You bought Laminate for your Kitchen Counter tops and you have some left overs. What to do now that your project is complete? Do you get rid of your leftovers or save them for craft projects? When it comes to Laminates, the possibilities are endless. You could use your leftovers to build a play table for your kids, a garden table for your tools, an outdoor platform, a plant sand, an end table, a frame to hang your jewelry, Wall Art, Bookshelves, Cabinets, Coasters, create a Book Cover and so much more.
For our Kitchen renovation four years ago, we ended up with an extra base cabinet we couldn’t return and we had some leftover from the counter top. After almost a year of having both items sitting in the garage, we decided to build a custom counter top for the base cabinet and use as extra storage in the Patio.
Materials/Tools Needed:
- Counter top piece
- Wood (to build a frame)
- Wood Screws, Power Drill, Drill Bits
- Silicone Sealer (to seal the gaps)
- Stain (for the Wood)
- Heavy Duty Staple Gun and Staples
Step by step:
- First step is to measure out the size of the piece that will be needed. I used a cutout from my counter top which came from the sink cutout. Since it was about 30 inches wide and the cabinet 34 inches, I used the wood to expand on all 4 sides.
- Based on my dimensions I cutout the four pieces to make a frame leaving enough of a lip to be able to screw them onto the counter piece.
- I used the staple gun to secure all four corners together, then used the Power Drill to screw the frame onto the counter piece.
- I used the sealer to fill in the gaps on the frame and between the frame and counter piece. This will stop any liquids from seeping onto the wood cracks.
- The wood stain was used last and will go over the whole frame. You can also use it on the counter piece to give it a darker look.
- The last step is to secure the whole piece onto the cabinet being used and enjoy!
Checkout what others have accomplished using Laminate.
Love the Laminate/Wood Lampshade in the middle picture? You can make your own by clicking here and following the steps for this Wood Veneer Lampshade.