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Unknown Insect

I Love Me Some Gladiolus

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read685 views

From the moment I woke up to get my Son ready for school, I knew the day would be different. The weather is amazing, the air is fresh and the atmosphere is peaceful. Cloudy like, but with clear skies. Some Rain would be nice, though I am quite content and grateful for the moment.

After dropping off my Son to school, I spent a moment in the backyard, enjoying Nature. The gladioli are flowering abundantly and beautifully. I was pleasantly surprised to discover a Brick Red Gladiolus blooming alongside the others (stunning, isn’t it?). I will be collecting seeds from Allium Drumstick, Snapdragon and Gladiolus later in the day.

Gladiolus Pink & Purple Flowers.

Gladiolus are a lovely addition to any garden with their rich, attractive, and cheerful colors. I will be adding Gladiolus ‘Charming Beauty’ and ‘Elvira’ to my collection.

Gladiolus Brick Red & Orange Salmon.
Gladiolus Brick Red & Orange Salmon Flowers.

While watering my Gladiolus in the front yard yesterday morning, a little green insect jumped out of the watering area. At first I thought it was a camel cricket or young nymph (grasshopper) until I saw it’s brown stinger. It moved and jumped so fast that I was unable to capture a clear picture. Perhaps a young Katydid?

Unknown Insect.
Unknown Insect (young Katydid?)

Happy Gardening!