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Snowy Mountains

Long Walk Through The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read629 views

It’s that time of year with much of the city looking gloomy and temperatures beginning to plunge to freezing at night . Warmer days are far gone and the cold weather is settling in slowly, but surely.
During days like these, I find solace in my garden.

Gloomy Weather.
Gloomy Weather.

I haven’t done much around my gardens lately since Fall is one of the best seasons for my plants to flourish and thrive. Once in a while I take long walks through the garden where I go to unclog my mind.

For Mother’s day this year, I received a bouquet of Chrysanthemums from a good friend. I transferred the plant in a container and this is the second time it has blessed me with large mounds of gorgeous and impressive flowers; forever reminding me of my friend’s gentleness and kindness.


My wonderful friend also gave me a tiny Agave Ovatifolia Frosty Blue plant, which I planted in ground and has now tripled in size. As you can see, a pup is emerging next to the mother plant. Very soon this delicate plant will need protection for winter safety, even though it is said to be cold hardy. I love the formation of its leaves.

Agave Ovatifolia 'Frosty Blue'.
Agave Ovatifolia ‘Frosty Blue’.

Seven months later, my young and tender Grevillea Noellii is pulling through.

Young Grevillea Noellii.
Young Grevillea Noellii.

The Asparagus Aethiopicus is doing much better in a Pot. Growing it in a container will prevent the roots from spreading in different directions.

Asparagus Aethiopicus.
Asparagus Aethiopicus.

I planted a Common Jasmine (Jasminum Officinale) early this year and trained it to grow on a home made trellis. This morning I found a couple vines swaying away from the trellis and starting to twine on the plastic hanger of my Pachyphytum Bracteosum (Moonstones) hanging planter.

Star Jasmine Vines.
Common Jasmine Vines (Pachyphytum Bracteosum in planter).

From my garden to yours, happy Fall Gardening (and don’t let the gloomy weather get to you).

Finally, Some Sunshine

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read743 views

After nearly three days of rain, the High Desert is starting to see some sunshine and blue skies.

Mountains covered in Snow.
Mountains covered in Snow.
Mountains covered in Snow.
Mountains covered in Snow.

I awoke this morning to a beautiful view of the Mountains, which were covered in snow. The soil on the other hand, is still damped from the excess humidity and moisture in the air. As I walk around the property, I am pleased that there are no damages to the plants and the structures. All the plants look a lot happier and healthier.

Flowering Photinia Fraseri.
Flowering Photinia Fraseri.

A few of my Photinia Fraseri shrubs are already showcasing their small white flowers and red color of new growth. Fraser’s Photinia is a beautiful drought tolerant shrub that is great for hedges and privacy.

Coleonema Pulchrum (Pink Breath-of-Heaven).
Coleonema Pulchrum (Pink Breath of Heaven).
Coleonema Pulchrum (Golden Breath of Heaven).
Coleonema Pulchrum (Golden Breath of Heaven).

My Coleonema Pulchrum “Pink Breath of Heaven” and Golden Breath of Heaven” are covered with beautiful tiny delicate pale pink flowers and fragrant leaves. What I love most about this shrub is that it’s drought tolerance, wind tolerant, non-invasive, evergreen and has an aromatic fragrance when crushed. It blooms from late Winter through late Spring.

Thuja orientalis 'Berkmans Golden.'
Berkman’s Golden Arborvitae (Thuja orientalis ‘Berkmans Golden’).

This time of year, the Berkman’s Golden Arborvitae in my backyard are looking lovely with their delicate and attractive golden foliage. I have a few of these disease free, hardy and drought tolerant evergreen shrubs with the tallest being on each side of the entryway to my enclosed Patio. The shrubs are starting to produce cones.

Wishing you a wonderful time in your Garden today!

Frozen Morning

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read464 views

It’s a beautiful day. The skies are clear, but the weather outside is deceitful. Baby, it’s cold outside! I am very thankful that we haven’t had our first Snowfall yet.

I suit up this morning to rake leaves in the backyard from last night’s wind. By the time everything was set and done, I could barely feel my fingers and toes. I took a few minutes to walk around the backyard and made a few interesting discoveries, some of which involve frozen water like the one from my Water Fountain. The larger Water Fountain is located in a sunny area so the Sun gets to melt the water.

Frozen Water.
Frozen Water.
Water Fountain 'The Village Maiden'.
Water Fountain ‘The Village Maiden’.

After seeing that solid ice, I was grateful that we shut off the exterior water valve to the irrigation system a couple of weeks ago. I would have lost all my plants from frost otherwise.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

On a much happier note, I will be taking my Son to the annual Christmas Program performed by Pre Kinder, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade as well as Mr. Flores’ class at Oak Hills High School. He has been so excited about it, since we didn’t attend last years’ due to bad weather.

One Erratic Day

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read678 views

Today has been the most erratic day of the year with a mix of strong/high winds, really low temperatures and very light rain, which gave us a light blanket of white powdery snow. Once the rain stopped and the sun came out, we found ourselves with a nice clear blue sky and a cold, windy atmosphere (the type that literally gets down to our bones and reminds us that we’re still alive). Even the lower Mountain elevations which are normally spared were covered in snow.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

Though Gratitude should be expressed and applied on a daily basis, it is during days like these that we are truly grateful for having a roof over our heads and for having people who love us enough to care about our well being. I can only pray for everyone’s safety and for this erratic weather to end.

Nisqualli Overpass, Victorville, CA.
Nisqualli Overpass, Victorville, CA.

On a positive note,  the construction on the La Mesa & Nisqualli Road Interchange is progressing and we have been driving on some of the new constructed roads that are part of the overpass. This is very good traffic wise as it will tremendously help reduce the congestion on Bear Valley Rd and Palmdale Rd.

Click here to read more about the La Mesa and Nisqualli Road Interchange, Victorville (on Interstate 15).