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PVC Sprinkler Ideas

Cooling Solutions for Hot Days

JM Perez By JM Perez3 min read1.3K views

Seven and a half weeks until Summer and temperatures are already soaring here in the High Desert. Not too long ago, some of us dreamed of trips to the Beach, Lake and Camping. Now we are wishing for the hot days to pass and looking for ways to make them enjoyable without missing out. For every problem, there’s a solution and you might want to start looking at Outdoor Cooling Systems for those BBQ nights you’ve been planning.


Turn On Your Air Conditioner

To lower the heat while filtering the air for better quality breathing and promoting wellness.

Open Your Window

During the evening, on a breezy day, open your window to enjoy some fresh air as long as you have screens to keep insects out as well as other particles and debris carried by the wind.

Eco Breeze

It’s Fresh Air cooling which lets you take advantage of two types of cooling.  Fresh air cooling uses Mother Nature’s cool air to remove heat during periods of low outdoor temperature and humidity.  If your home has air conditioning, it will automatically take over when the weather becomes hot and humid.

Exciting Windows! (If you’d rather stay indoors)

Custom draperies, blinds, shades or shutters for maximum light and energy control by combining soft, medium and hard window treatments. Smart window covering, window treatments as well as innovative and beautiful solutions to keep your home cool or warm using newly developed lighter materials or fabrics to give a beautiful feel and also to efficiently help in heat and cooling retention.


Use Your Pool

Click here for tips on getting it ready for Summer and the hot days. Click here to read about The Pros and Cons of Owning a Swimming Pool Home.

Evaporative “Swamp” Coolers

According to The Home Depot website, Evaporative coolers lower indoor temperatures by combining the natural cooling properties of evaporating water with an efficient air moving system. This combination of moisture and a steady breeze can lower indoor temperatures by as much as 30°F. Airflow is controlled by opening windows to allow the unit to push warm air outside. Evaporative coolers also add moisture, which helps keep fabrics and wood from drying out, and the water-filled pads act as a type of filter, removing dust and allergens from the air.
Evaporative coolers can be used as the sole cooling system, or to complement existing air conditioning systems. However, they should never be used at the same time, as one adds humidity while the other removes it. Evaporative coolers offer several benefits over air conditioning, including:

  • Low installation and maintenance costs
  • 75% less electricity usage
  • Powered by a standard 120 volt outlet
  • No ozone damaging refrigerants
  • Fresh air flow pushes out warm air, smoke and pollution
  • Breeze makes effective room temperature feel 4 to 6 degrees cooler

Evaporative coolers are most effective in areas of low humidity and hot temperatures. They are not effective in humid climates or during rainy seasons. They are not as controllable as air conditioners, and can use between 3.5 and 10 gallons of water per hour, a consideration for use in areas with limited water supplies. The degree of humidity they deliver is a feature that distinguishes the two basic types of evaporative coolers.
Click here for additional information.

Outdoor Ceiling Fans

These devices are designed for pretty much any space in a home and allow for cooling as well as providing lighting. They are appealing and come in a wide range of colors and gorgeous designs.

Outdoor Ceiling Fans.
Image Links: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Outdoor Cooling Shades

  • Extended Awnings
  • Gazebo Curtains
  • UV Rays protected Shade Sail
  • Roll up Sun Shade
  • Patio Umbrellas and Canopies

Portable Misting Systems

Outdoor Cooling Unit by Orionair.
Outdoor Cooling Unit by Orionair.

Portable Misting Fans

1&2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Image Links: 1&2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Outdoor LED Coolers

Outdoor LED Coolers by Nuventix.
Outdoor LED Coolers by Nuventix.

Misting Tower

Image Links: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Image Links: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Click here, here, here and here for some awesome Do-It-Yourself PVC Sprinkler ideas.

It’s Summer and it’s Hot:

  • Do not forget to drink plenty of Water to prevent dehydration.
  • If you must garden, chose between morning and evening hours.
  • Stay cool indoors/outdoors with air condition on to avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
  • Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing.
  • Do not leave your children or pets in the car while you are away.

Click here to read about Hot Weather Survival Tips.