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Phoenix Zoo

Our Getaway in AZ

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read810 views

We spent a beautiful time with my friend in Arizona.

It was our first time in Scottsdale and my well behaved kids have been looking forward to this trip.
We toured the city, went to Church, ate at Restaurants. We talked a lot, laughed a lot, prayed a lot and hugged a lot. On our last day we went to the Phoenix Zoo. Due to the unbearable heat,we were only able to visit part of the Africa Trail.

Phoenix Zoo Map. (Image source: Phoenix Zoo.org).
Phoenix Zoo Map.
(Image source: Phoenix Zoo.org).
Vultures & Giraffe.
Vultures & Giraffe.

It’s good to be back. I missed gardening.
It rained in the High Desert while we were away and we are praying for more rain in the days to come.