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Personal Quest

Faith: A Personal Quest

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read671 views

Too often I have been asked about my beliefs and my answer remains unchanged: “I am a believer and I strongly believe in kindness, in everything good and true. I believe in my God, who has never left my side.”

A true Christian would educate, nurture, lend a hand or an ear; would council and be patient. True Christians should only judge others with love because we are all on a lifelong journey of discovery for truth and each one of us carries a personal sin. To the hypocrites the scripture commands, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” – Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV).

Belief in itself is not something we learn, but something we experience at a personal level. It’s like tutoring, a one-on-one experience that makes a difference and can be either good or bad. This is precisely why it’s so easy to judge others and hard to convert them. When you believe (or say you believe) you’re in; when you don’t, you’re out. Just like that.
Many things seem acceptable to people when they speak the same language. While some people lie their way into a circle, others get there righteously. It’s troubling to see how much some people sacrifice just to fit in.

Image Credit: Willow Tree.com
Image Credit: Willow Tree.com

I am not without fault. I am a child of the universe and I have a profound respect for all living things, especially for those I do not understand. My quest for my knowledge of the Word is endless. I am a conscious sinner. I always say a prayer before letting go of that which no longer serves me. Not only do I seek daily salvation from my Savior, but at the end of the day I am not ashamed to ask forgiveness from those I offended.

I have learned that the best way to avoid being caught up in this masquerade is to practice kindness and stay true to oneself.

“Kindness is the catalyst that fuels our drive for love and compassion.”
― Joan Ambu

God loves us regardless. We are His creations.