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Mulberry Tree Pruning

Trimming The Mulberry Tree

EPEngineer By EPEngineer2 min read1.8K views

Today we decided to trim our fruitless Mulberry Tree.

The Fruitless Mulberry Tree as opposed to Fruit Bearing Mulberry Tree is fast growing and less messy as it does not produce fruits. Mulberry trees in general have large and dense leaves with a large spreading head that provide full shade over wide areas. They prefer full sun (though partial shade works fine too). Plant these trees away from sidewalks, driveways, septic tanks, swimming pool, sprinkler system pipes, foundations, etc! Their strong roots are invasive and will damage almost everything on their path in search for nutrients.

Trimming The Mulberry Tree.
Trimming The Mulberry Tree.

Every year, after the tree goes dormant, we trim the branches to maintain a desirable shape. We removed broken, dried and damaged branches from the tree to keep the tree healthy. We removed excess interior tree branches to help increase air flow throughout the tree and we pruned the top branches to train them into spreading. We are very careful as not to ruin the natural structure of the tree by severely cutting back its branches. These trees are great in providing shade and are heavily planted here in the High Desert.

Click here, here and here to learn about Pruning a Fruitless Mulberry Tree.
Click here and here to learn about Trimming a Fruitless Mulberry Tree.

In addition to their roots evasiveness, fruitless Mulberry Trees produce pollen and catkins, which will wreak havoc on allergy sufferers. Click here, here to read more on Tree allergies and how to fight back.

We also removed the sandbox and covered the hole with dirt.