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Little Home Updates

Little Home Updates

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read676 views

We’ve had a very productive day today. The fruitless Mulberry Tree in the backyard has shed its last leaves and the Grasshoppers have somehow disappeared after nearly eating all of my Stella D’Oro Daylilies (surprisingly, these are the only plants they have been interested in). Most of bulbs I planted last month are sprouting including the Ice King Double Daffodil, Grape Hyacinth, Belladonna Amaryllis and the Pink Impression Tulips. I have also noticed a few sprouting from my Garden Huckleberry (Solanum scabrum). I am grateful for the warm weather.

Yesterday we went to Lowe’s and purchased a few Stainless Steel Cabinet Pulls/Handles, some electrical components as well as some wood for an upcoming project. We replaced the rest of the Switches and plates in the house as well as the cabinets pulls and the electrical outlets (using Pass & Seymour/Legrand 15-Amp Nickel Decorator Duplex Electrical Outlet).

Switches and Outlets.
Cabinet Pulls/Handles.

These are all little updates that will give your home a great lift.