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Les Lions Indomptables

A House Divided Cannot Stand

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read2.7K views

“I do not love my National Team because they do something for me. I love them because they represent me; therefore, my faithfulness towards them will always be true.” — Joan Ambu

What a good Soccer Game today. Congrats Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.

I have barely missed a Game since the beginning of the 2014 FIFA World Cup™. I have cheered for all the Teams, including mine, The Indomitable Lions. As I sat there watching the match between Cameroon and Brazil unfold as well as reading comments on various sites, I was overcome with compassion for my Team.

A House divided against itself cannot stand.  Image Source: The Math Kid.
A House divided against itself cannot stand.
Image Source: The Math Kid.

Without a doubt The Indomitable Lions have been demanding and a few players have shown lack of professionalism on the field. However, it is fair to say that they have been all alone in this 2014 FIFA World Cup from the get-go. The presence of ill-wishers were predominant prior to the beginning of the very first match and the negative energy was overwhelming.

What did we expect? Did we really think they would give 100% to a Nation who is strongly praying and cheering for their downfall? We love the Team when they are at their best and reject them when they are down on their knees. We should be ashamed for not supporting our Team through thick and thin. They had nothing to fight for, nothing to Win for. They’ve made mistakes to which they will answer for (if there is anything to answer for); however, their failure as a Team does not justify our behavior towards them. We should know better and do better.

“Your Nationality or any other Affiliation isn’t written on your forehead or any visible part of your body. It is shown by the way you Pride Yourself.” — Joan Ambu

What have we done for our Country as individuals? We are only good at pointing fingers when things don’t go the way we expect. Then seize the opportunity to ridicule ourselves Worldwide through pitiful videos, rude and insulting comments. Everyone is quick at judging, quick at giving up and yet no one seems to have a solution. I am ashamed to be part of a Nation of hypocrites and Self-Haters.

We are either in all the way with our National Team or we are out. There are no in-betweens, no excuses and no conditions. What does not construct destroys and I doubt that the Almighty God in whom I believe will ever bless a Nation of hypocrites. There is a time for everything and Life is not about winning. We are here to do good while we live, Love, Learn and refrain from making the same mistakes.

There are issues within The Indomitable Lions team, which I pray will be resolved.

“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” ― Winston Churchill