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LEGO Creations

DIY: LEGO Snowmobile

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.2K views

Living in the High Desert can sometimes be challenging even more so for those of us with children.
My kids are super active and can’t stand not having something to do indoors. They love outdoors activities above all else and when given an opportunity, they suit up like real explorers ready for new discoveries. They don’t like dreadful weather and I don’t either.

The weather has been really bad these past few days. It is cold outside and we are having severe, gusty winds, blowing sand and dust as well as reducing driver visibility at times making driving difficult and even potentially hazardous. Last week I found pieces of cardboard lying in my backyard as well as plastic bags blown by the wind.  I have found a few broken branches here and there, but nothing major.

Today, after completing his homework, my awesome little boy pulled out his box of LEGOs and started building. He has such a creative mind and I am always amazed at his creations. After helping his sister build a few things, he decided to build a few cars and trucks for himself, among them this LEGO Snowmobile below.

LEGO Snowmobile.
LEGO Snowmobile.

The wind is still howling outside, we had a good day and I hope tomorrow will be even better.


JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.4K views

I am so in love with my children; they are both very smart and creative. When they are not reading, drawing, sight seeing and sometimes helping me garden; they spend their time building LEGO figures.

LEGO Robot.

After returning from school today, in very good spirit as usual, he surprised us with his creation, which he is very proud of. He’s built over figures in the past, which have evolved over time and which I will share as soon as I get a hold of the pictures.

Other Fun Creations:

LEGO Racer.
LEGO Desert Racer.