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Joan Ambu

My Son’s First Day of School

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read613 views

Today is the official First Day of School for some schools here in the High Desert and my first born is heading off to Kindergarten. While my mind was racing and I was worrying about everything; my son on the other hand, was so relaxed and excited to start his first day of kindergarten. We all got ready this morning, drove him to school and spent the first 30 minutes in the classroom getting the feel on how things are done. My son was assigned to a wonderful teacher.

McQueen Backpack.
Lightning McQueen Backpack..

My Son, die-hard fan of lightning McQueen, requested a McQueen Backpack for school. I got him the best backpack out there and he loved it so much, especially as he could store a few things he could easily access in the wheels. He was so excited to take it to school this morning. I put the following in his backpack:

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Kleenex Pocket Pack Tissues
  • Cold and Cough Drops
  • A Bottle of Water
  • “We Love You” Message
  • Notepad and Pencil
  • Healthy and Nutritious Snacks
  • Our Address & Phone Number
  • Sunglasses (100% UV)

I thought him well and I know he will do well. I am looking forward to picking him up and hearing all about his first day of school, his first day in kindergarten. I miss him so much already.

Strength of The Small: Finding Joy

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.5K views

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” ― Mother Teresa

What are some of those small things, you ask:

» Children (Psalm 127:3).
Good things definitely come in small packages and aren’t those little ones full of surprises? They teach us new things every day.

From the moment my Son started asking about his deceased aunt, (my sister); I realized he was ready to learn about the circle of life. My children never go to sleep without praying. Sometimes, however, my son will, “Mommy, pray for us tonight because we are too tired. We will listen and say Amen after you.” His sister will quietly nod, “um-hmm.” Here’s the part of his prayer that always melts my heart, “… we pray for people we know and for those we do not know.” As I listen to him pray, I think of 1 Samuel 1:26-26.

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
Image Source: SearchQuotes.com.

» Relationships.
Togetherness is a powerful word. It represents love, unity, acceptance and much more. If you are fortunate to belong to a group of amazing people, sometimes, that alone suffices.

For all the things that go wrong in life, we have to remember that we are surrounded by good people who are willing to stand by us. I am particularly thankful to the friends I do not see as often in person, but wish I did.

» Walk – Meditate.
Take walks, admire and become one with Nature.
We obsess over the bigger picture that we completely forget about the wonders around us. We can only see such beauties by living the moment.

» Gardening.
Every gardener knows the joys that come from this activity. It sure requires time and patience to achieve ones goal. Not only does it allow us to get some time for ourselves; we also get creative (and eventually see results such as thriving plants). Gardening is a powerful stress reliever and we exercise in the process (yes, it can be quite a workout with all the digging, pulling, spreading).

» Remembrance (Philippians 1:3).
The power of positive remembrance is healing. Remembering positive experiences has the power to resuscitate feelings of gratitude and contentment as well as restoring inner peace and spiritual connection (Revelation 2:4-5).

» Love (1 Corinthians 13:4–8).
As Maya Angelou beautifully said, “People may forget what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Be loving and kind to every living thing as we are all part of the Universe. Love can only grow love, not the other way around. When we unabashedly show love to others, it inevitably opens doors to bigger and better things.

» Gratitude.
Start your day with gratitude. Be thankful for a new morning and for what you have.

» Be True to Yourself.
Embrace who you are and the body you are in. Don’t let society define you. Believe in yourself. Be Happy.

Merville Kenfack {Memory of}

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.2K views

Dear friends,

I regret to inform you that my beloved sister, Merville, passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, the 7th of August 2012 after giving birth to a beautiful boy.

Merville was very kin about her privacy. At this time we would ask that Merville’s final wishes are observed, and there are to be no pictures of her posted either privately or publicly. Please, there are to be no speculations (posted) as to the cause of her death- as Christians, we all turn to our father GOD in heaven.

Since some of you live overseas, we understand you will not be able to come. However, donations are very much appreciated; click on the link below.

If you have any well-wishes for my family or just pay your respects, please leave your messages on the following blog under the coordination of Joan Ambu (which the family will review after the funeral).

We also very much  appreciate any spiritual support and prayers.


Eve Kenfack

“Lord, now lettest thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word.”
– Luke 2:29

Donations are now closed. Thank you all for your support. 

A Good Day to Die

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.2K views

It’s a beautiful day
Breeze gently blowing through my hair
The sun shines so bright
The birds singing in harmony
All gathered at my window
I feel light
I have gained new strengths
The night took my pain away.

I am standing at a crossroad
Happy to have made it here
Happy to know that the choice has been made for me.
This day of awareness
Has led me down the road of certainty
A path of clarity.

My children came from all corners of the Earth
They came with their children
And their children brought their own children
For a last good-bye
For an opportunity to share
For a chance to create our last memories
I am in awe of my family
My Lord has been faithful to His words.

Spirit lifted up
Hands raised up in praise
Heart overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment
Tears of joy rolling down my face
Vibrant energy filling the air
I watched as they celebrated my life.

Memories flashed through my mind
Everything froze around me
Time suddenly stopped
With my Creator’s consent
The Universe conspired in my favor
To heal my ache and set me free
To be reborn, at last
To be reborn into a new life.

What a good day to die.

© 2012 Joan Ambu. All rights reserved.

Yard Sales: Tips to a Successful Sale

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read600 views

Yard sales! Don’t we just love them?
If you are looking for a way to downsize, get rid of some things you no longer need and make extra cash in the process, a yard sale is one way to go. Whether it’s a private sale, a multi-family sale or a neighborhood yard sale, with good planning it could be a success.

Image Source.
Image Source.

Here are some tips on making it a success:

» Find out if your city requires a yard sale permit.
» Figure out what stays and what goes.

» Check the weather forecast prior to choosing a date (a bad weather will reduce the number of customers and will require you to take them indoor, which can also be a good thing).

» Advertise online in advance (e.g. Garage Sale Source) and give an accurate location as well as a start and end time.

» Place bold signs around the neighborhood with arrows pointing the right direction (as well as other places where they will be noticed). Keep it simple.

» Set up your items the morning of the sale. Make sure the presentation is inviting and the items are within reach (this will allow your customers to self-service).

» Put your signs up before the sale and take them down immediately after the yard sale.

» Make sure the items are clean (especially appliances).
» Group similar items together.
» Showcase your items such as the higher-quality items.
» Know your items worth, price them and be willing to negotiate.
» Have enough cash on hand to make change for your customers.
» Use a checklist to keep yourself on track.
» Be friendly and give a brief description about an item, if asked.

» Start your yard sale earlier to take advantage of the ‘early birds’ and have the sale on a Friday, if you can. It’s the best day of the week and you will have fewer competition.

» For Electronics and appliances, make sure a potential buyer can test the items before purchasing them. A verbal assurance is often not enough; be true to your words.

» Have someone help you keep an eye on customers (not everyone has good intentions).

» Keep your money close to you, at all times.

You want everyone attending the yard sale to leave with something and not the other way around.
For items that did not sale, consider slashing the prices in half. You can place an ad on Freecycle.org or contact the Salvation Army and other charities to pick them up.

Some No – No’s

» Never place clothes on the ground (it’s really not appealing).
» Never write on the items you are selling.
» Do no display anything you do not wish to sell.
» Never keep your customers waiting.

Here are a few sites where you can find yard sales or advertise your own garage sale.

Craigslist | Yard Sale Search | Garage Sale Time | Garage Sales Tracker | Lejeune Yard Sales