After a rather cold week, yesterday was bright and warm. We decided to drive down to Downtown Pomona, CA, one of our favorite places in Southern California. Our first stop was at Ken’s Olden Oddities, a little Antique Shop in the city of La Verne, CA, where we purchased this gorgeous Vintage Mosaic Candle Holder from the 1960’s; a Little Girl & Cat Statue from the 1970’s as well as a set of Vintage Ridgid Wrench.
Address Location: Ken’s Olden Oddities
1910 White Ave., La Verne CA, 91750
1 (909)593-1846.
Hours of Operations: Tuesday-Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Saturday: 12:00 PM – 4:00PM
While in Downtown Pomona, we visited one shop in particular that we really love (Pomona Antique Mart). We purchased the following items, all of which are in excellent condition and estimated from the 1920’s to the 1950’s .
Vintage Cut Crystal Toothpick Holder & Cruet.Vintage Kissing Door Knocker.
Address Location:
200 E 2nd St Pomona, CA 91766
Phone:1 (909) 623-9835
Fax:1 (909) 629-1067
Hours of Operation: Monday – Sunday: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Second and last Saturday, open later.
The best find of the day was a gorgeous Vintage Fireplace Mantel shelf with large stunning corbels.
Ivan: Mom, are you proud of me? Me: Yes, very. Ivan: Why? Because I did well at school? Me: Yes and because I love you. Ivan: If I do an even better job will you be prouder? Me: Yes, I will. But remember, it’s not just about doing a good job. You must be kind and respectful to others to. Ivan: Ok Mommy.
Yesterday, along with other Kindergarten kids, Ivan went on his first field trip to the Pumpkin Patch at the Boulder Creek Ranch Harvest Festival. It is one thing to drop him off at school and it’s another to let him go on a field trip, especially as he is known to be an explorer. I had to bury my fears and put my trust in the hands of the wonderful teachers and volunteers who accompanied them on this field trip. Prior to leaving for school, his Father surprised him with some drawings of things he enjoys on his disposable lunch bag. We always find ways to make him feel special, especially when we are not around. Turned out that he had an awesome time.
Boulder Creek Ranch 19099 Lemon St, Hesperia, CA 92345 Phone: (760) 244-0096 OR (760) 956-9300
October 13th – October 28th
Open: 11:00 AM – Dusk
Custom ‘Disposable’ Lunch Paper Bag.
Going back to my heartfelt conversation with my Son. He is at a stage of his life, where he sees things, analyses and remembers them. So, as a parent, is it important for me to be patient, encouraging, loving and honest with him. I must be ready to answer his questions, honestly, the best way I possibly can, based on his age and ability to understand, without going into much details. I always take my kids questions seriously.
It is critical for us, parents, to be involved in all aspects of our children lives, allowing them to experience life and things for themselves. One thing we should avoid at all cost is to rob them of their Innocence.
My Son is so proud of himself for receiving a lot of rewards, prices from school for being a good and responsible student. Recently, he received this Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate to celebrate his reading accomplishment (Book It!® is a reading incentive program that Pizza Hut® has sponsored since 1985).
Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate.
If we cannot stand with them while they are growing up; how then, do we expect to reconnect with them once they’ve mature? In some cases, we are all they’ve got. Not being there for them when they need us is one thing they will never forget; adding a twist to their face, that, we will regret.
Mom! The sweet sound of your name echoing though my heart, Mom.
You were my first miracle, my very first gift from above and you’ve given me 32 amazing years. From a very young age, you thought us that ‘two are better than one.’ You stressed the importance of togetherness and you stood your grounds even after you lost a child, my only sister. Yes, Mom, ‘two are better than one.’
“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9 (KJV)
Mother. Oh! Mother. Today my heart rejoices with you.
Having a Mother like you is, without a doubt, one of the utmost gifts and prime advantages the Lord has given me. The confidence and values that you instilled in me made me who I am today. For that and much more, I can’t thank you enough. Every day that goes by is a gift from God to cherish and I am thankful to have you around.
(Last Year) With Mom at Starbucks before her Flight.
I didn’t have to become a Mother to understand how difficult being a Mother is because from the moment I learned to walk; I was by your side every step of the way. You made so many sacrifices to raise us, especially me. Every now and then I still wonder how you managed to hold both ends on your own. You give so much, constantly. You are such a transparent person and your heart overflows with Love, Faithfulness and Compassion.
We pray for you ceaselessly. You are a good role model, a Phenomenal Woman. You’re irreplaceable and we are blessed to have you in our lives. Every day brings with it an opportunity to do and try something new; an opportunity to live, to love, to share, to reach out to someone else, to forgive, to move on and to count our blessings. I love new beginnings and I know you do to. I hope you find that which you seek.
Wishing you a peaceful day full of laughter, blessings and many, many more great years.
“I was something that lay under the sun and felt it, like the pumpkins, and I did not want to be anything more. I was entirely happy. Perhaps we feel like that when we die and become a part of something entire, whether it is sun and air, or goodness and knowledge.” ― Willa Sibert Cather
It’s always a delight, for a Gardener, to wake up in the morning and find little surprises in the garden.
A simple layering is the process in which a branch or a flexible stem is buried/bent to the ground and partially covered with soil. Some gardeners will wound the area beneath a bud to induce rooting. This propagation technique works best on plants with low-growing branches such as Roses, for instance.
In my case, Nature did all the work for me. All I had to do was to transplant the new growth and voilà!
Pristine® Hybrid Tea Rose.
Early this year I transplanted my first growth. I waited for the new growth to reach a certain height before carefully separating it from the main branch. The Chicago Peace® Hybrid Tea Rose is a gorgeous fragrant Rose. Ever since I purchased mine, it has never produced the same colored flower twice. At first, I was afraid the little plant would die, but to my amazement, it is doing well and I am looking forward to watch it bloom.
Chicago Peace® Hybrid Tea Rose.
Click here, here and here to learn about Propagation by Simple and Tip Layering.