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Joan Ambu

Happy New Year 2013

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read489 views

Looking back at the previous year, we are very thankful for our lives and good health, for all the life lessons, the memories we created, the experiences we acquired and the many accomplishments we made.

We pray that the Year 2013 will be more promising than the previous one. We pray for Peace in the World, for more Love and compassion in our hearts. We pray for guidance, new beginnings and God’s amazing Grace.

Wishing you a Healthy, Blessed and Successful 2013.

Hapy New Year 2013! Image Source: WallpapersWala.Com
Hapy New Year 2013!
Image Source: WallpapersWala.Com

A New Year Prayer by Johann Rist

Help us, O Lord! behold we enter
Upon another year today;
In Thee our hopes and thoughts now center,
Renew our courage for the way;
New life, new strength, new happiness,
We ask of Thee; oh, hear, and bless!

Our 12th Anniversary

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read694 views

Twelve years ago today, I married my better half. Every day since then has brought new adventures and the last thirteen years have been filled with great joy as well as some challenges and growth. When we first met, we made a promise to do all it takes to stay friends and when we began our journey as a married coupe, joined together as a single entity; we made a covenant before God and to ourselves to love each other for the rest of our lives.

Us, Before Parenthood.

He brings out the best in me. He supports, protects, provides, comforts, inspires and encourages me on a daily basis and I have watched him turn into an incredible man. He makes me laugh, he keeps me humble and sane. Twelve years ago, I decided that if I had to pick a husband, I would pick him.

Us, After Parenthood.

The best part about being married to my husband is that he has an unconditional love for me regardless of my shortcomings and he supports me in everything I do. We are very grateful that God connected us to each other. As we grow older, I pray that we continue lifting each other up. He is an amazing Dad to our children, he has a great sense of humor and he is a compassionate being. I am blessed to have him in my life.

Rabbits: Garden Menace

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.9K views

For the past couple of weeks, I noticed a reduction in the amount of leaves in my barrel planters. At first I placed the blame on the Grasshoppers, then early this week, we moved all the barrels in the garden storage shed after discovering that some of the plants in the barrels were completely gone and the others were half ways gone. The rabbits ate the early Daffodils sprouts, some of my Anigozanthos and a few of my Stella D’Oro Daylily. Though heartbreaking, I couldn’t do much about it then because of the freezing temperatures.

This morning, however, I was able to step out in the backyard all thanks to the warm weather. Since the barrels were gone, these little bunnies decided to eat all of my Aptenia Cordifolia (two out of four pots) and started working on my Brooms. We took a trip to Lowe’s and bought some Chicken Wire. Prior to that, I cut a few stems from my other two ‘untouched’ pots and I propagated them. This time, I placed the pots in my Vintage Planter Stands. Like most succulents, Aptenias are easy to propagate as they sprout new growth at their base when put into contact with moist soil. They are beautiful in rock gardens and make beautiful flowering ground cover.

Aptenia Cordifolia Propagation.

Steps to Propagate Aptenia Cordifolia

  • Using a pruning tool or a sharp knife, cut some stems.
  • Dig a few holes in the potting mix with your finger or with a weeder.
  • Plant the end of the cut stems in the holes and press the soil around their base to set them in place.
  • Place the pot in direct or indirect sunlight.
  • Water the soil (do not over water).

Rabbits are cute little creatures and some people enjoy petting them. To gardeners however, these adorable creatures are one of their worst nightmares. They are voracious eaters as they would eat pretty much everything tender and they have a very rapid reproductive rate. How can we keep them away from our gardens?

Rabbits (Bunnies) Repellents

  • Put up a Chicken Wire Fence, Mr. McGregor’s Fence
  • Traps (close to Rabbit feeding or resting areas)
  • Use raised Garden Beds
  • Buy Hot Pepper Spray and use it on plants or learn to make your own (click here or here)
  • You could hunt them down

Happy Gardening!

Unfailing Love

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read812 views

As Ibn Taymiyyah simply put it, “Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.” It reminds me that as a People we are unpredictable which in turn can make us untrustworthy. Some situations will cause us to trust no one, including ourselves.

Joy to the World, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King … . What a lovely and powerful Christmas Carol. Christmas is a joyful and beautiful time of the year; it is, as many believe it to be, a time to reconcile with oneself, with others and with God. In Luke 4:18, we learn that Jesus came to set the captives free (both believers and non-believers alike). Christmas season is a time to reflect, to rejoice, to hug someone, to reach out to someone whom we haven’t spoken to in a while. Can we love again past the hurts? Sure we can. Someone did the same for us by dying on the cross to save us all from sin. Another good example is a Mother, whose love for her child is so strong and unfailing. How many times have we brought our Mothers to their knees by our reckless actions? Still, they’ve stood by us, providing for us, keeping us safe and demonstrating their unfailing love for us.

We should love people regardless of what they do or say about us. We should show the same kindness to others as we would like to be shown. I know the hurt of being let down and I am sure that somewhere along the road, I have let a few down too. One thing I hold dear to my heart is the love for Family and even though we don’t often see eye to eye, I love each and everyone of them to pieces. I have lost one too many and I just cannot afford the luxury of holding negative energy or to wallow in the hurts and bitterness. It’s destructive, it’s a drainer and it’s a time waster. I have one brain, one heart and one life which I refuse to poison with futilities.
I love the moment. I enjoy creating good, lasting memories to cherish in my lifetime and to pass on.

God's Unfailing Love ...
God’s Unfailing Love …

As the year 2012 draws to its end, let us all thrive to make these last few days count. Let us look around us and examine ourselves, our lives, our life styles. What did we achieve this year? Where did we go wrong and how did we make it right? This season, let’s make someone happy by reaching out regardless of who was wrong or right. Do not wait until the last minute to regret or condemn; it will be too late then and time, we cannot reset.

“See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” – Hebrews 12:15 (NIV)

A Christmas Wish

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read551 views

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and praying that these last few days take us safely into 2013.

From My Family to Yours, Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

A Christmas Prayer
by Helen Steiner Rice  

God make aware that in thy name,
The Holy Christ Child humbly came.
To live on earth and leave behind,
New faith and hope for all mankind…
And make us aware that the Christmas Story,
Is everyone’s promise of eternal glory.