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Joan Ambu

Primitive 3 Legged Plant Stand

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1K views

This is the first year I have raked leaves in January. Usually by mid-December, the leaves from every tree in our property are completely gone. Fall went by so fast that the leaves from certain trees didn’t get a chance to completely change colors and fall off. Thanks to the erratic weather we’ve had the last couple of weeks, the last of the leaves from our Sweet Almond tree finally fell off. Many people are also experiencing Fall rather than Winter as their trees are barely losing their leaves. Thanks to a warm and lovely weather this morning, I was outside raking up the fallen leaves and working on a few projects. When Nature surprises me, I seize the moment.

Last month I wrote a post on Rabbits and the damages they cause in the garden. The picture below is one of the four barrel planters they ate from. Today we build four plant stands for the barrel planters using dismantled pieces of wood and slabs we kept from the demolition of an old Stall a couple of years ago. I was not interested in anything fancy, just a simple plant stand, high enough to prevent the Rabbits (and possibly squirrels) from eating the plants. All you need is three pieces of wood, cut same size (the height is up to you) as well as a square piece of wood. You gather your three pieces standing up, making sure they form a triangle and then you place the square piece at the top of your triangle and screw them in (each screw must go into your individual pieces).

Once you’re done, you can decide to paint your finish product or leave it as is.

Primitive 3 Legged Plant Stand.

The final task of the day was to lay Chicken Wire around our Daffodils, Stella D’Oro Daylily and Hyacinth beds (we used tie-down stake to anchor the wire into the ground).

Safe and Non-Toxic Plants

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read2.7K views

In just a few days, the month of January will come to an end and a few more days after that, the month of February too, will come to past. We will then be in March. I don’t know about some of you, but I am very excited and looking forward to Spring (when Nature looks lively and plants start to grow). After purchasing and planting my Bulbs last November, I made my Garden to do list. I got new plants for my huge planters and as soon as the weather warms up, the Weed Eater and other gardening tools will receive a good tune-up.

Last month, I compiled a list of Toxic Plants and today I am sharing a list of Safe/Non-Toxic Plants (this is just a few). Please, do remember that even though most of this plants are safe to Humans, they can be dangerous to pets, some livestock and they can also cause skin irritations to some individuals. Be cautious.

Safe Plants.
Safe Plants.
Safe Plants.
Safe Plants.

Though Non-Toxic, the following plants can cause skin reaction (sharp leaves, spines, sharp edges, thorns, glochids, leaf hairs, and irritant fibers):

Plant-Related Skin Irritation.
Plant-Related Skin Irritation.

Image Source: ImageJuicy, EasyBloom, 123rf, Wikipedia, HowStuffWorks, BHG, National Park Service, Cambridge 2000

Click here and here for information on how to relieve Skin Irritation from Plants.

Back To School Routine

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read537 views

Today is officially back to School Day at Cottonwood Elementary. For my Kindergartener as well as the other students, it will be the first day back from a three-week break. We had a fantastic time being silly, getting crafty, watching movies, sleeping late, baking, enjoying each others company and fighting a Cold together.

My Son is super excited to meet his wonderful teacher and friends and I am excited to hear about his little stories and all the fun activities he had at School. His Sister, on the other hand, is not too happy about him returning to school (I overheard them talking in the room last night). After informing her that he will be leaving for school in the morning, she simply told him that ‘she is sad, she will miss him and she doesn’t want him to go to school.’ He replied by stating that he had to go and when he returns home, they will have lots and lots of fun.

Image Source: Flipkart.com.

My kids believe they are the best thing in the World for one another. As troublesome as they can sometimes be and as annoying as they can be to one another, they always look out for  each other and keep safe. Enough to melt my heart and make me proud. My daughter and I will be enjoying more quiet time in the mornings.

Last night, after reminding my Son about the importance of eating right, exercising, taking vitamins, getting enough sleep and keeping his hands to himself (to fight against self-contamination and prevent germs from spreading); I made sure he still had enough pocket tissues, enough cough and cold drops and I made sure there was a travel size hand sanitizer  in his backpack. This season has been labeled the worst Flu season in years and parents shouldn’t take it lightly when it comes to the health and wellness of their children.

One Erratic Day

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read690 views

Today has been the most erratic day of the year with a mix of strong/high winds, really low temperatures and very light rain, which gave us a light blanket of white powdery snow. Once the rain stopped and the sun came out, we found ourselves with a nice clear blue sky and a cold, windy atmosphere (the type that literally gets down to our bones and reminds us that we’re still alive). Even the lower Mountain elevations which are normally spared were covered in snow.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

Though Gratitude should be expressed and applied on a daily basis, it is during days like these that we are truly grateful for having a roof over our heads and for having people who love us enough to care about our well being. I can only pray for everyone’s safety and for this erratic weather to end.

Nisqualli Overpass, Victorville, CA.
Nisqualli Overpass, Victorville, CA.

On a positive note,  the construction on the La Mesa & Nisqualli Road Interchange is progressing and we have been driving on some of the new constructed roads that are part of the overpass. This is very good traffic wise as it will tremendously help reduce the congestion on Bear Valley Rd and Palmdale Rd.

Click here to read more about the La Mesa and Nisqualli Road Interchange, Victorville (on Interstate 15).

Linda Marie’s Enchanted Treasures

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read2.4K views

Welcome to the Visual Tour of Linda Marie’s Enchanted Treasures …

Linda Marie's Enchanted Treasures.
Linda Marie’s Enchanted Treasures.

I have been to Linda Marie’s Enchanted Treasures twice before this day and in every single trip I get mesmerized. Everything is so beautiful that you want to touch every single piece. So much lovelies everywhere. It’s simply dreamy. And the loveliest of all, Linda Marie, herself. Graceful, energetic, helpful, lively, friendly and funny.

Rule #1. Don’t get discouraged by the size of her Shop.
Remember the saying, ‘great things come in small packages.’ Linda Marie has a paradise of goodness at the back of her shop (without counting what’s inside: clothing, collectibles and more). Because words cannot describe her collections, I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

I have personally come to enjoy and love Primitive decor as it adds charm and a Country feel to my Home. If you love gardening or just enjoy being around plants, you will fall in love with her unique garden planters, which varies from ceramic pots to stone carvings (Greek head planters), Yard Sculptures, Toilet, Tanks and Sinks Planters, Sinks water fountains, Drawer Planters, etc.

If you are looking for Antique Lantern, Rustic Primitive cupboard, distressed Rustic Country block Wood Sign, Patio/Bistro Set, Cookbooks, unique and custom Benches, bird houses, Door Knockers, Chandelier, Hand Towels, Tractor Seats, Cherub Statues, Farmhouse dining table and chairs, old tools, Vintage Chests and Trunks, or just ideas on how to implement Primitive decoration into your home; you can begin your search at Linda Marie’s Enchanted Treasures. Trust me, you will be glad you did.

Linda Marie’s Treasures are truly enchanted. Click here to see the gorgeous set of wall hanging Greek Male and Female Head Sculptures that I purchased from her shop last Summer (as well as a lovely Moroccan Lantern).

Joan and Linda Marie at Linda Marie's Enchanted Treasures.
Joan and Linda Marie at Linda Marie’s Enchanted Treasures.

Linda Marie’s Enchanted Treasures
19222 National Trails Hwy, Oro Grande, CA 92368
Phone: 1 (760) 484-6300
Email: Treasurestime@aol.com
Website: LindaMarie’sEnchantedTreasures.com
Like her Facebook Page and visit often for additional information and updates. Let’s Support Our Local Vendors!

Are you interested in an item and cannot make the drive to Oro Grande, CA? Do you live out-of-state? Contact Linda Marie for shipping/delivery options.
