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Joan Ambu

‘The Twilight Saga’ Film Series

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read510 views

From someone who showed little to no interest in these Film Series, I must now admit that I am hooked.
When I first heard about it four years ago, I simply thought that it was some weird Vampire TV show and decided not to follow up with it (as my hectic schedule with the Family doesn’t give me extra time to actually sit down quietly for fifteen minutes, with no interruption). It wasn’t until early last year that I realized that these are a Movie Series and not TV shows when Twilight was playing on FX® . Interesting, I said to myself.
A couple of nights ago, while searching for something interesting to watch on TV, I realized that The Twilight Saga: Eclipse was about to start on FX®. It was a perfect timing as the kids were sound asleep. What a beautiful and touching story: I instantly fell in love with the script. At this point, I had to watch the entire Series to appreciate.

Twilight: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Twilight: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (Source).

Like in every given situation (or Movies), we have the option to take the good and leave what doesn’t serve our need. Twilight is an Inspirational Film Series in its own way. Though produced primarily for entertainment, there’s something we can all learn from them. Even what we consider to be the worst and most boring movies can become motivational, hilarious or can get you through a rough moment once you, the viewer, answer this simple question: what’s in it for me? Why do you watch a movie? It is out of curiosity? Because everyone is talking about it and you want to see for yourself what it’s all about? Either way,  I think it’s always helpful to read the synopsis of a movie before watching it (this way we don’t waste our time and money on something we end up regretting and negatively critiquing). To me, Movie reviews are spoilers, so I tend not to read them.

My favorite of the four Film Series? The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (Source).
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (Source).

I finally got to watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 and it is, without a doubt, my favorite of the four. Every single one of the cast members did a splendid job. It’s pretty much about choices we make, surviving and protecting what is dear to us (Family). Every time people stand together as one to fight for what’s right, nothing can defeat them. This is exactly what I want to remember about this series and not the meaningless details. They are entertaining, captivating and inspiring.

Image Source.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (Source).
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

To Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, the two main characters of these series and real life couple, I wish Goodness, Happiness, Love and a blessed happily ever after. They are wonderful together.

Delicious Exotic Fruits

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.7K views

Fruits, hmmm! Don’t we just love them?
Well, I don’t know about you, but I enjoy them immensely and have been lucky enough to have eaten most of the following fruits. I have done some research and here is a list of the ones I remember.

Exotic Fruits.
Rambutan, Lychee, Pitiya and Miracle Fruit.
Exotic Fruits.
Durian, Buddha’s Hand, Chayote and Cherimoya.
Exotic Fruits.
Salak, Mangosteen, Ackee and Passion Fruit.
Exotic Fruits.
African Horned Cucumber, Carambola (Star Fruit), Physalis and Papaya.
Exotic Fruits.
Monstera Deliciosa, Soursop, Jackfruit and Feijoa.
Exotic Fruits.
Akebia, Jaboticaba, Cupuaçu and Dates (Date Palm Fruit).
Exotic Fruits.
Kumquat, Langsat, Pepino Melon and Asian Pear.
Exotic Fruits.
Green and Gold Kiwifruits, Ataulfo Mango, Pomegranate and Guava.

There are a lot more Exotic Fruits out there such as the Aguaje (fruit from the Moriche Palm Tree), Blood Oranges (California, Sanguinello, Tarocco, Italian, Australian, Moro), Blackfigs, Pineapple, Watermelon, Urucu (fruits from the Achiote Tree), Ugli, Citrus (Meyer Lemons, Yuzu, Finger Limes), Champagne Grapes, Coconut, Tamarillos, Cantaloupe, Longans, Mamey Sapote, Tamarind, Toddy Palm Seeds (from the Toddy Palm), Jambul fruit, Sapodilla fruits, and so much more.

Image Source: Carib Fruits, Living In Health, Wikipedia, 123fr, Riceplex, Mira Images, Organic Seeds, Explorediscovered, Food52, Zesprikiwi, Mango, Shutterstock, Shape, Winn-Dixie


Winter: Colors in The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read701 views

I enjoy having beautiful color changing plants with unique leaf textures in the garden. Such plants add dimension and color to the landscape as their foliage make them a great accent to the yard as they brighten and light up the grey, dreary days by becoming the focal points in Winter.

Red Colors in Winter.
1. Pyracantha                                  2. Heavenly Bamboo                                  3. Nana Nandina

The first noticeable color in my garden is red and it’s Pyracantha.
We have one in my front yard (which we inherited from the previous owner). It’s evergreen and grows upright with fountain like arching branches. The beautiful White flowers are produced in late Spring through early Summer and attract bees and butterflies. The plant produces red berries in Fall that persist into the Winter. The berries colors vary from bright red to orange and are eaten by birds. The plant is easy to grow, drought resistant, prefers full to partial sun and requires very little water is once the plants are established.
I cut mine back each fall and they always come back stronger and healthier the following year. You must be very cautious around this plant since it is covered in thorns. The berries are edible when cooked. Pyracanthas have their share disease problems, such as fireblight (a contagious and destructive disease affecting members of the family Rosaceae). Click here and here to read about plant care information.

The second colorful plant in my garden which I love is Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina Domestica), a semi-evergreen shrub, a toxic plant, as parts of the plant are poisonous. The plant has fine-texture foliage and produces red berries in the Fall and persists through Winter and at this time, the foliage reddens before turning green. The plant produces white flowers in early Summer above the foliage. The plant prefers full to partial sun, it’s frost hardy, disease-resistant, drought resistant (though it performs best in moist and well-drained soil) and requires minimal care. Plant it in full sun for brighter leaf colors. Click here and here to read about plant care information.

One of my favorite plants for Winter color is Nana Nandina. It is a small evergreen dwarf bush with vivid green foliage that turns brilliant red in Fall and persists into the Winter. Just like the two other plants mentioned above, Nana Nandina prefers full to partial sun, it’s frost hardy, disease-resistant, deer and  rabbit resistant, drought resistant and requires minimal care. Planting this shrub in full sun will greatly reduce foliage diseases and will exhibit richer-colors. The plant requires fertilizer twice a year to encourage new growth.

1. Grevillea Noellii  2. Photinia Fraseri 3. Southern Moon® Yedda Hawthorn.
1. Grevillea Noellii                     2. Photinia Fraseri             3. Dwarf Yedda Hawthorn

Refer to the USDA Hardiness Zone Map below or click here to find your plant hardiness climate zone.

Other Winter Color plants are Japanese Pieris, Burning Bush, Hellebores, Camellias, Witch Hazels, Winter Jasmine, Winterthur, Berberis Berries, Grevillea Noellii, Ornamental Grasses and much more.

Happy gardening!

Beautiful Cloudy Day

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read565 views

I have never liked cloudy days. Today, however, I am content with the dreary weather.
We are spending the afternoon in the Patio. The kids are multi-tasking (watching TV, drawing, Crafting and writing me letters full of hearts). My daughter is busy looking at the Toys R Us toy book and making a list of all the items she wants for her birthday. Oh, the joy of Motherhood! I love my babies to pieces.

Dreary Weather.
Dreary Weather.

Today was Parent Conference day at my son’s school and we met with his wonderful teacher. She told us what we already knew, that he is Academically Advanced. The drawback of him knowing so much at his age is that he easily gets bored, wants to help everyone around him and doesn’t always follow directions when asked to. I will work harder at encouraging him to listen more and allow others to do what they need to do.

In an effort to prevent broken pipelines due to aging and sudden burst, the City’s Water Pipeline Division has been carrying out water main upgrades by replacing water mains and hydrants to upgrade existing deteriorating water mains. Today was our turn and it was interesting watching these hard working men complete the task.

Replacement of Water Mains.
Replacement of Water Mains.

I am off to work on our next Craft. I will share, I promise.

Caramel Macchiato & Latte

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read629 views

One thing I love about Winter is warming up with a Latte during the cold nights.
Caramel Macchiato International Delights® Coffee House Inspirations™ and Nescafé® Momento™ Caramel Latte have become my favorites. I love the flavor it gives my coffee and I am hooked. Coffee has a calming effect on me and helps me sleep, contrary to most individuals and it’s precisely the reason why I don’t drink it as often as I would love to (and definitely not when it’s quiet around here and I need to work).

Caramel Macchiato International Delights® Coffee House Inspirations™.
Caramel Macchiato International Delights®.

I am not a Coffee addict yet, but I tell you, nothing is more relaxing than a good cup of coffee. It’s Delicious and has a lot of Health Benefits, which you can read here and here.

Tomorrow is another day.