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Joan Ambu

Happy Valentine’s Day

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read638 views

For almost fifteen years now, when I think about Valentine’s Day and everything the Media makes believe, I think of my Sister’s love. My Sister was a free spirit whose love was like that of a child. She understood that everyone was worthy of God’s love and she lived her life as though everyone around her had nothing but goodness in them. She made a mistake, which she quickly corrected in the end, when she couldn’t handle the pain of the final betrayal. She cried, out loud, to her Heavenly Father to ease the pain and set her free.
She gave her Love, Mind, Health and perhaps Soul, for so long to a man who didn’t appreciate her.

Valentine’s Day should be celebrated everyday. If you can’t make someone feel special all the days of their life, then Valentine’s Day can’t make a difference. Love and be with the one who loves you (the grass is never as green on the other side and chances are, it’s probably synthetic). Just as you have to work hard to earn your living, you also have to work hard in making your relationship work. Seek the narrow path (Matthew 7:13) with an open heart and trust that when Heaven and Earth shall pass, God’s words shall not (Matthew 24:35).

Source: Dreamstime.com

“We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness.” – Ellen Goodman

“We love because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

My God is my truest Valentine. While the World sees us as incomplete and we see ourselves as a work in progress; God on the other hand, is the only One who sees us complete because we are His creations. His love is flawless, unfailing and He holds the key to our Lives. His love surpasses space, time and truly satisfies.

“Faith is a personal quest; not word of mouth.” — Joan Ambu

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

DIY: Chair Seat Reupholstered

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.2K views

One of our goals last weekend was to drive down the hill for some Treasure Hunting, eat at one of our favorite Restaurants and see a few beautiful faces we haven’t seen in a while. Unfortunately for us, the weather decided otherwise. Everything ended up turning for the best as we had a marvelous time at home.

One of the things I wanted to get done in the playroom was to reupholster the seats and dye the slipcovers of the Harry Chairs my kids use during learning time (we bought the Ikea set a few years ago not realizing that Ikea doesn’t make cover replacements for this particular chair). Being a busy Mom with active kids, I can’t find time to make my own slipcovers (at least, not now). I ended up picking a pack of Tulip® Permanent Fabric Dye from Michaels on Saturday, a shade of grey, which to my amazement, turned out better than I expected after dyeing the slipcovers. We reupholstered the seats yesterday morning to make them more comfortable by adding extra padded cushion. I love the end result, my kids love them and what a difference to the tushies!

Ikea Harry Chair Dyed & Upholstered.
Ikea Harry Chair seat reupholstered & Slipcover dyed.

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Chair(s)
  • Pliers (to remove existing staples)
  • Upholstery Fabric (or your existing Slipcover)
  • Heavy Duty Staple Gun and Staples
  • Quilters Batting/Memory Foam/Cotton Balls
  • Sewing Thread and Needle
  • Screw Driver (to remove and re-affix the seat)

Step by step:

  • Use your screw driver to remove the chair seat.
  • Removing the old staples, old fabric, old foam and replacing it all is up to you.
  • With the seat still down, trace and cut a few layers of Quilters Batting/Memory Foam as well as your Upholstery Fabric (can be done individually or simultaneously).
  • Once your done with the cutting, you can individually affix each one to the chair seat using your Staple Gun or you can affix all the pieces to the chair and cut off the excesses.
  • Place the upholstered seat on your chair and secure it.
  • Place your slipcover on and you’re good to go.

In my case, I didn’t remove the old staples, foam nor fabric (everything was is very good shape). I just wanted to make the seat more comfortable by adding extra padded cushion. I cut open a Wool Ball Pillow I no longer needed, affixing its fabric to the chair and using the Wool Balls for extra padding.

Heart Decorating Project

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read624 views

It’s been very quiet around here lately. The Flu has made its last round in the house and just as everyone is finally recovering and looking forward to an adventurous weekend of Treasure Hunting, the weather has a different opinion. Unless you are a ‘go getter, rain or shine’; the weather is a major factor to take into consideration when living in the High Desert (followed by weeds). We spend most of our time reading and watching movies.

My Kindergartener has been doing really well at school. He has received another Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate and this afternoon he wrote me a heartfelt story using a heart shape note pad he received from school. He has a way of melting my overjoyed heart and making me such a proud Mother.

Heart Decorating Project.
Heart Decorating Project.

Tonight we worked on a Family Decorating Project. We were asked to decorate a Heart which will be displayed for viewing on Valentine’s Day. Like with the other projects, we try to keep it simple while making it unique. For this project, we decorated this Heart using scrapbook papers (the kids favorite colors). We cut the paper into small pieces and randomly glued them inside the heart and added two silhouettes in a heart shaped frame.

Garden Pest: Stink Bugs

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read537 views

Stink Bugs!

They are green or brown and they got the name ‘shield bug’ from their shield shape and the name ‘stink bug’ from the odor they emit when threaten or when squished. On Monday afternoon, while gardening, I found a Green Stink Bug on a dried Rose bush leaf, probably busy laying eggs on my Rose bushes. They enjoy feeding on tender growth and for that and much more, they are simply a nuisances.

Green Stink Bug on Roses Leaf.
Green Stink/Soldier Bug on Rose dead Leaf.
Stink/Shield/Soldier Bug.
Image Source:  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

As Spring is nearing, you should start inspecting your Rose bushes (especially on the underside of leaves or along stems for eggs) and other plants as these bugs enjoy new growth. You can use a hard spray of water from the hose early in the morning to eradicate them (add 1 tablespoon of soap in the sprayer), you can buy some Helpful Garden Insects, or you can use organic pesticides.

Click here to read more about Stink Bugs.
Click here, here and here to read about Rose Pests and how to control them.

Here’s a Book on Roses which I recommend: The Ultimate Rose Book.

To My Daughter

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read749 views

“I always thank God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus.” ― 1 Corinthians 1:4 (NIV)

My little girl. My amazing and affectionate little girl turned 3 today! She came down with the stomach flu and a slight fever a few days ago and has recovered in time for her birthday, which she has been looking forward to celebrating. She has been straightforward about what she wants and postponing 2 and 3 on her list is the right thing to do, as she can be contagious for a few more days after recovery. Here’s her wish list:

  1. No Cake this year, just pink Cupcakes
  2. Go to the Movies
  3. Go to Disneyland (and meet ‘Mimi’, again)
  4. Pink and White balloons

I am blessed to be the one she calls “Mom”. I feel tremendously blessed to have a beautiful, healthy, smart and happy daughter that the Lord has blessed me with. Even though I birthed her, I know she belongs to the Lord and I am eternally grateful that He would trust me with her life. I hope I can live up to some of His expectations.

For her third birthday, we added a lot more to her Strawberry Shortcake collection by bringing in some gorgeous vintage dolls and accessories. She loved them all, but not as much as she loved her Just Like Home 40 Piece Pearlized Tea Set which we bought from Toys”R”Us®. We got something for big Brother too, who was so helpful in planning the surprise and doing the countdown. The party has been postponed …

I bought her first Pendant necklace: a Lamb! It’s a beautiful and fun Pendant necklace in a matching velour hinged Lamb box. The pendant hangs on an 18″ chain, it’s made of genuine European crystals and 18 kt gold finish. The pendant is part of an Animal series collection and you can get one for your child on PetCollection.com.

Lamb Pendant in matching velour hinged Lamb box.
Lamb Pendant in matching Lamb box.
1984 Rose Petal Place Doll & Rose Petal Roadster.
1984 Rose Petal Place Doll & Rose Petal Roadster.

We were blessed with a beautiful, warm and peaceful day; filled with love, laughter, gifts, loving memories and lots of hugs and kisses. Everyone is grateful and content. There will be some storytelling in a little while and then we will watch movies for the rest of the night. Today is a good day.

Hello Kitty Cake and Cupcakes.

A heartfelt Thank You, to Family and Friends, who made her day so special and fun!

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ― Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)