For almost fifteen years now, when I think about Valentine’s Day and everything the Media makes believe, I think of my Sister’s love. My Sister was a free spirit whose love was like that of a child. She understood that everyone was worthy of God’s love and she lived her life as though everyone around her had nothing but goodness in them. She made a mistake, which she quickly corrected in the end, when she couldn’t handle the pain of the final betrayal. She cried, out loud, to her Heavenly Father to ease the pain and set her free.
She gave her Love, Mind, Health and perhaps Soul, for so long to a man who didn’t appreciate her.
Valentine’s Day should be celebrated everyday. If you can’t make someone feel special all the days of their life, then Valentine’s Day can’t make a difference. Love and be with the one who loves you (the grass is never as green on the other side and chances are, it’s probably synthetic). Just as you have to work hard to earn your living, you also have to work hard in making your relationship work. Seek the narrow path (Matthew 7:13) with an open heart and trust that when Heaven and Earth shall pass, God’s words shall not (Matthew 24:35).

“We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness.” – Ellen Goodman
“We love because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19
My God is my truest Valentine. While the World sees us as incomplete and we see ourselves as a work in progress; God on the other hand, is the only One who sees us complete because we are His creations. His love is flawless, unfailing and He holds the key to our Lives. His love surpasses space, time and truly satisfies.
“Faith is a personal quest; not word of mouth.” — Joan Ambu
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!