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High Desert Express Super Pawn Shop

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read9.9K views

After a routine visit to the dentist, I decided to drive around, go sight-seeing and kill some time before picking up my Son from school. I drove by a Shabby Chic Shop, just to find out that the owner moved about a month ago and forgot to update her current location. On my way home, I stopped by the Express Super Pawn Shop, located in the heart of the High Desert, CA. That was my first time there and my second visit to a Pawn Shop.

In all the five and a half years that I have lived in the High Desert of California, this is my first time visiting this shop. Curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see for myself what everyone else has been talking about. The shop is a good size and well organized. The workers are friendly and very helpful. They trade Guns, Gold, Diamonds, Jewelries, Electronics, Power Tools, Music Equipments/Instruments, Motorcycles, Scooters,  Helmets, Snow Boots and Snowboards, Gaming Systems and so much more. The Shop offers Layaway.

Both Shop owners have joined forces with TradeYa.com, which according to the website, is the easiest way to get anything you want without spending any money.

Barter Kings, Steve McHugh and Antonio Palazzola.
Barter Kings, Steve McHugh and Antonio Palazzola. Image Source.

Address Location:
11873 Hesperia Rd, Hesperia, CA 92345
1 (760) 947-5555

Hours of Operations:
Monday – Friday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

On The Web:
Like them on Facebook
Follow them on Twitter

Shop Owners:
Steve McHugh and Antonio Palazzola

Season Premiere on A&E: Wednesday, January 9 | 10/9C.

Shamrock Decorating Project

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read611 views

Tonight we worked on a Family Decorating Project. As with the other projects, we were asked to decorate a Shamrock which will be displayed for viewing on St. Patrick’s Day. This time too, we kept it simple while making it unique and interesting. For this project, we decorated this Shamrock by drawing a maze pattern within the leaf clovers and adding the kids favorite things: Robot, Car and Cupcake with a cannon behind it.

Shamrock Decorating Project.
Shamrock Decorating Project.

My Kindergartener received another Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate. He has been wanting to eat some Pizza and now he’ll be having one for free (not free since he worked really hard for it).

Book It!® Reading Program Certificate.
Book It!® Reading Program Certificate.

Today is such a bright and beautiful day; too bad we have to stay indoors due to the high gusty winds. I was really looking forward to gardening and tending to my plants. All the tasks have been completed. We will be watching fun movies for the next couple of hours (while having some healthy and nutritious snacks) and then we will do some reading and other challenging activities before calling it a night.

Kenner Vintage Dolls

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.6K views

Here at Home we love to collect things; new or old, we love them all as long as they make our hearts sing. My husband collects Mechwarrior pieces. My Son collects Hot Wheels Muscle Cars. My Daughter and I love the Strawberry Shortcake Dolls. However, while I am old-fashioned, she is new age and we are both happy Collectors.

Growing up, I owned a few of these gorgeous dolls. I used to wonder how something so small could be so perfect? If you own one of these beauties, then you know that they are beautifully made. My Father traveled a lot and while serving his country abroad, he always returned home with lots of souvenirs for my siblings and I. I remember how people made fun of us back in 1990 because we were all sporting the Converse All-Stars with Multi-Colored Shoelaces. I guess we were cool back then without realizing how cool we were.

My parents didn’t believe in quantity, but they did in quality. I wasn’t a spoiled Child, but I had the best. I had a few dolls, which I really liked and some I am sure, are stored at my Parents’ house. As of today, I have managed to collect all of the original Strawberry Shortcake Dolls and pets by Kenner, except for one:

  • Strawberry Shortcake with Custard, Cat
  • Blueberry Muffin with Cheesecake, Mouse
  • Orange Blossom with Marmalade, Butterfly
  • Lemon Meringue with with Frappe, Frog
  • Raspberry Tart with Rhubarb, Monkey
  • Huckleberry Pie with Pupcake, Dog
  • Lime Chiffon with Parfait, Parrot
  • Angel Cake with Souffle, Skunk
  • Almond Tea with Marza, Panda
  • Crêpe Suzette with Éclair, Poodle
  • Mint Tulip with Marsh Mallard, Duck
  • Cafe Ole wit Burrito, Donkey
  • Apricot with Hopsalot, Bunny
  • Butter Cookie with Jelly, Bear
  • Apple Dumpling with Tea Time, Turtle
  • Cherry Cuddler with Gooseberry, Goose
  • Lem N Ada with Sugar, Woofer
  • Peach Blush with Melonie Belle, Lamb
  • Plum Puddin’ with Elderberry, Owl
  • Purple Pie Man with Captain, Cackle
  • Sour Grapes with Dregs, Snake
  • Banana Twirl with Berrykin, Banana

The babies are gorgeous. I just need Banana Twirl with Berrykin, Banana to complete my Collection (she’s rare, expensive and hard to find). My favorites are Café Olé, Huckleberry Pie, Peach Blush and Plum Puddin’.

My favorites are Café Olé, HuckleberryPie, Peach Blush, Plum Puddin’.
My Strawberry Shortcake  favorites are Café Olé, HuckleberryPie, Peach Blush, Plum Puddin’.
1980's Kenner Rose Petal Place Dolls.
1980’s Kenner Rose-Petal Place Dolls (Daffodil, Rose Petal, Lily Fair, Orchid)

Rebirth in The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read596 views

After days of cold, high winds and dreary weather, the sun is finally coming through and I am able to get up, get out and get my gardening tools ready for Spring. I love new beginnings as it reminds me of a Rebirth in the Garden when Nature re-awakens and the plants suddenly become aware and start breathing. The days are getting slightly warmer and everything looks so lovely, even the unwanted weeds in the backyard.

The Sweet Almond Tree is starting to bloom. The Raywood Ash or Claret Ash Tree is budding (with wind-pollinated dark purple flowers opening). Daffodils, Daylilies, Violet Queen, Birgi® Lily, Belladonna Amaryllis, Hyacinth, Grape Hyacinth, Imprimis Bearded Iris, Tulips and other bulbs have been sprouting over the past few weeks.

Rebirth in The Garden.
Rebirth in The Garden.

I started weeding yesterday and I was amazed at how much I was able to accomplish. I have noticed that the best time for me to weed is a couple of weeks before Spring (when the soil is still slightly moist from rain and/or snow) and I always start early to have everything done before Summer (when brush fire warnings are high). Here in the High Desert we have a variety of weeds (most of which are Tumbleweeds) growing in our yards as well as the open land around us. It is much easier to pull them up when they are small because their thorns are still tender. As they mature, they break at their roots spreading their seeds on their way as they are driven about by the wind. Quite messy and dangerous. As funny as it is watching them spin around; it’s all laughs until a bunch of them end up in your yard, underneath your car or you get injured by the thorns.

Ideas for Tumbleweeds

Well, you know how the saying goes: “when you live with tumbleweeds, you end up finding uses for them.” Looking for decor ideas and unique inspirations for your Home? Check out how other people entertain themselves and or make a living using Tumbleweeds. I particularly like the Tumbleweed on Panel and the Living Tree Art.

Tumbleweed Ideas.
Tumbleweed Ideas: 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.

How about Tumbleweeds to compliment a Flower Bouquet or to use as a lamp shade? Possibilities are endless.

Tumbleweed Ideas.
Tumbleweed Ideas: 1. Tumbleweed Lamp Shade, 2. Tumbleweed Couture, 3. Flower Arrangement.
Twinkling Tumbleweeds.
Image Source: Sunset.com.

Are you overwhelmed with the plants growing in your garden and can’t tell if they are weeds or not, if they are toxic or not, if they have healing properties or not? Are the plants looking so lovely that you are divided between keeping them or getting rid of them? You may find helpful information in the following links.

Happy Gardening!

Rediscovering High Heels

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read658 views

Today is clean up day at Home and I started with my Closet.

I knew I had too many shoes, but you never really know exactly how much until you take a closer look. I have been so reluctant to go through them as they are neatly stored and “don’t seem” to take much space. I am so ashamed to admit that some of them are still brand new and have been that way for years. Working for a shoe company at some point really helped suppress my love for acquiring more and I am very thankful for that.
I stopped wearing high heels when I became a Mom and I’m not sure I could ever walk comfortably in them anymore. Well, a 4″ is  still doable provided that it allows me to lean down, pick up my babies without straining a muscle. I am holding on to a few from my favorite brands Diesel®, Puma® and New Balance® (they make comfortable and breathable shoes). My current obsession are Flats, and they go well with pretty much any outfit.

Ravel, Bamboo & Two Lips Pumps
1. Ravel’s Rarity Low Peep Toe. 2. Two Lips® Destiny. 3. Bamboo Captivate Bow Pump.

The shoes above are those I am definitely keeping. I received them as gifts. Ravel’s Rarity was a gift from a cousin in London following my graduation. The others are from my dear husband. Two Lips Destiny was a gift following the birth of our Son and Bamboo Captivate was a gift following the birth of our Daughter. These shoes are super comfortable.

Christian Louboutin Circus Cutout Suede Bootie.
Christian Louboutin Circus Cutout Suede Bootie.

The Circus Cutout Suede Bootie by Christian Louboutin were my 2010 Christmas Gift from one of my junior brothers. I love them and they are one of the most expensive shoes I own to date.

Going through my shoes in shoe boxes, I found a few I am no longer in need of and others which simply don’t fit right. I will sell a few and donate others. I will hold on to this gorgeous Strappy Pumps by Simonelli, 100% made from Recycled Materials (as I was told seven years ago). I also listed some Vintage Dolls and Vintage Clothing.

Simonelli Strappy Pumps.
Simonelli Strappy Pumps.

“Good shoes take you to good places.” ― Seo Min Hyun