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First Blooming Bulbs

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read603 views

Spring is in the air: do you feel the Love in your Garden? If you live in the High Desert like me, you’re probably not feeling too much love right now with all the unwanted and unattractive weeds popping up from nowhere. Most of my bulbs are flowering. My Gladiolus and Lilies are starting to sprout. As for me, I am starting to see new growth and beautiful colors all around my property which will be enchanted in just a few weeks. I am looking forward for the Trees to awaken and start growing their leaves while planning our outdoors activities. The outdoor furniture has been cleaned and will be ready to use as soon as I have a shaded area.

First Blooming Bulbs:  1&4. White & Yellow Daffodil. 2. Ice King Double Daffodil. 3. Purple Crocus. 4. Hyacinth.
First Blooming Bulbs: 1. Grape Hyacinth. 2. Ice King Double Daffodil. 3-4. Crocus Vernus ‘Twilight’ & Stripes.

The temperature has risen unexpectedly these past couple of days. Though a slightly warm weather is highly desirable at this time of the year, this is not what I was expecting. Even though it’s gotten so hot that I haven’t been able to achieve my gardening objectives, I refused to hold off on weeding, which to me is by far the most challenging, consuming part of gardening and let’s not forget how unattractive they are.

Weeds on my property are thriving in this weather and some have begun flowering and very soon others will begin seeding. Aside from the Tumbleweeds, the most common and invasive weeds here are Hawkweeds, Crabgrass and Redstem filaree (edible if picked young). The edible and invasive Common Purslane hasn’t made its appearance yet. I use mulch to control weeds in my gardens and I pull those present as soon as they emerge to prevent late Summer seedlings. Regardless of which method I use, weeding is simply an endless chore.
I find comfort in the end result and in knowing that Gardening Is Good for The Health.

Click here to access a list of the Most Common Weeds in the Garden and how to deal with them the organic way. Click here to access a list of some weeds you can eat and here for a list Healing Weeds in Your Yard.

Happy Gardening!

The 3 Basic Types of Friends

JM Perez By JM Perez3 min read1.9K views

An adaptation of TD Jakes
By A Beacon of Hope Red Moon

The Wise One once said:
“There are 3 people you need to be aware of and beware of…. The 3 C’s” *

Confidant: These people are for, “YOU” they are with “YOU”. They are the ones who are responsible for leading you to your destiny. They will challenge you, confront you, rejoice with you weep with you…They will be there through it all good or bad, they will mentor you to reach your full potential. These people are far and few between. If you have found one…or one has found you, you are so very fortunate. Remember, become who you want in your life. You will know if you have a real confidant when you share exciting news, they will rejoice with you, they will weep with you when you are in pain, but also they will help you get going again. If you don’t feel genuine excitement and true emotion, beware, they are one of the other 2 below.

Constituents: These people are ”For” what you are “For”. As long as you are for what they are for, they will walk with you, work with you, be there for what you are for. You must know this, become aware of this, because if they meet somebody else, that will further their agenda(s) they will leave you and be with somebody else to further their agenda. You must be careful not to mistake your constituents for your confidants. This can happen quite easily when you are down and out. You can truly believe you have a confidant when you were in fact too blind to see, because your emotions were unstable and human needs irrationally took over. If you can at least recognize you are in a vulnerable state, take it easy on what you choose to disclose. When you tell these people your dream they are the types that will leave you to go and carry out your dream.

Comrades: These people are “Against” what you are “Against”. They will be there for the battle, right by your side, these people are like scaffolding. They will team up with you to help fight. They will only be with you to fight what you are against, but when the battle is over they will leave…. but like scaffolding that is erected around the building when it is removed, the building, the strong new structure still remains. That represents the strength you have gained; a new phase in your life’s path that you now feel more certain about. These people have come into your life to complete a purpose. If you tell these people your dream, they will not support you, because they were never for YOU to begin with.

Image Source: InspirationalThinkTank .com.
Image Source: InspirationalThinkTank .com.

Expect the constituents and the comrades to desert you after a while, because they were never for “you” anyway. Just beware who you do share your dream with. Trust lies embedded in this process. Trusting your analysis, intuition and not wishing on the hope that he or she might change. See it as it is and not any worse. Then you too can make for a more peaceful life.

Do not waste another minute beating yourself up when you feel disappointed or someone falls out of your life. Stop and think about what you just read and take control of your life and don’t take it personally how some of these types of people behave. You will have the wisdom now to know and understand the difference. Whatever the reason or season these types show up in your life, be sure now to make the most out of it. You will almost be able to predict when their time is done. We need all types in this world, but a more certain, more stable and confident you is what the world needs most.


Scripture: Romans 12:9-21

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.7K views

Have you ever stumbled upon something, a piece of writing that warmed up your heart? Have you ever read something so simple yet so powerful with a huge impact behind it? I enjoy good reads and I love finding wonderful scriptures to share with Family, Friends, Acquaintances and everyone else in between.

In the absence of my usual posting, I am sharing a scripture on Genuine Love towards one another from the Book of Romans in the New Testament, written by the Apostle Paul.

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Therefore

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” – Romans 12:9-21 (NKJV)

Source: DailyLifeVerse.com.
Source: DailyLifeVerse.com.

If you want an in-depth explanation of this scripture, visit RayStedman.org.

Almond Tree Blossoming

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read694 views

We have this huge Sweet Almond Tree in our front yard that we love. Here at home, it is the first tree to flower after Winter followed by Saucer Magnolia and Purpleleaf Cherry Plum. For the past three years, the Almond Tree started flowering as early as January (lasting only two weeks, thanks to our high winds).
The White flowers are so beautiful and it’s always a delight watching them bloom indoors in a vase. In just a few days, honeybees will be heading towards the blossom, collecting pollen.

The tree produces Sweet Almonds during Summer and we had a good harvest in 2007. During the following years, the crows eat almost everything before we got a chance to harvest any. Sometimes we are lucky to find a few and other times all we find are scattered shells on the ground, waiting for us to dispose of.
At times during the cooler Summer evenings we pull out extra chairs, gather underneath the tree as it provides shade and we admire Nature while having interesting conversations.

Sweet Almond Tree in Bloom.
Sweet Almond Tree in Bloom.

With great weather and Spring rapidly approaching, the weeds are coming on strong. Have you noticed how bold weeds stand in a garden? They literally rob a yard of its natural beauty. I love Spring because it reminds me of new beginnings. It’s always the perfect time to start something and for us, it’s the best time to start weeding and ridding the yard of ‘bad seeds’ as well as getting it ready for fun Summer entertainment, gatherings and activities.

My beautiful bouquet of Almond Blossoms now sits pretty on my Fireplace Mantel. I love those delicate white and pink flowers. The Jug is one I bought from the 99¢ Only Stores ten years ago (along with a matching Sugar Set). Just in case you are wondering, what you see above the Almond Arrangement is a 1975 Vintage Kitchen Book Holder, movable thanks to some springs on each side. We spray painted it white from its original Honey Oak color.

Almond Blossom in Milk Jug.
Almond Blossom in Milk Jug.

Thanks to the awesome weather today, we made good progress hand wedding early in the afternoon around a few garden beds in the backyard. We are allowing weeds to grow on a designated area to give a chance to the kids to go Ladybug hunting, which are often found around grassy fields.

Since my dear husband has been craving some Mongolian Grill, we went to The Mall of Victor Valley, which is the closest location to us (the Restaurant is located in the Food Court). I love the fact that they make it easy for individuals to create their own stir-fry. We also spent a few hours at Barnes and Noble, reading books with the kids and looking around for some great Human Anatomy books for Children. I purchased a few books prior to leaving. We all had a marvelous time today and I hope to remember to set the clocks forward for daylight saving time.

Happy International Women’s Day!

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read937 views

“The history of all times, and of today especially, teaches that … women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves.” – Louise Otto

Happy International Women's Day.
Happy International Women’s Day. Image Source.

“Remember the dignity of your womanhood. Do not appeal, do not beg, do not grovel. Take courage, join hands, stand beside us, fight with us.” – Christabel Pankhurst

International Women’s Day Website.