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Vintage Seashell Hanging Planter

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read2.5K views

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” – Princess Diana

Vintage Seashell Hanging Planter

Yesterday late in the afternoon, as I was weeding our sidewalk and my husband was waiting for me to finish so he could help rake, one of our wonderful neighbors across the street came over to check his mail and they both started talking. Somewhere along the conversation he told my husband that he’s been wanting to ask/show us something.

My husband went ahead to check it out and it turns out that our neighbors are downgrading their furniture and are giving stuff away and they wanted us to be the first to know. So, they gave us this gorgeous 1970’s Vintage Seashell Hanging Planter which they purchased in Hawaii.

– Handmade
– High End
– About 4 feet long and 11 inches wide
– All the shells are strung together with clear fishing line.
– Constructed with steel reinforcement materials
– Could be used as a Chandelier.
– Could be used indoors or outdoors.
– Holds 2 potted plants each measuring between 4″ and 8″ in diameter.

We were surprised that after 30 years +, the Sea Shell Plant Holder is still in excellent condition with no missing shells. Above everything, we are grateful that we were first in their thoughts as they made the decision to give some furniture away and ever more so, we are thankful they chose to give it to us.

I can picture some Tradescantia Zebrina blooming in those baskets with their stems cascading over the sides. I am yet to find a location for it. As of now, it hangs pretty in the kids Playroom and we love it. They also gave us an antique solid Wood Folding TV Tray/Laptop Mobile Desk/End Table they owned for as long as they could remember.

Isn’t it great to have and to know people who constantly surprise us with their love and generosity? We are so blessed to live in a safe neighborhood with kind, helpful and friendly neighbors.

Here are some ways to decorate with Seashells:

Shell Point Seashell Beige Table Lamp with Night Light.
Image Source: LampsPlus.com.
Seashell Chandelier.
Image Source: 1stDibs.com.
Atlantis Seashells Wall Mirror.
Image Source: BellaCoastalDecor.com.
Seashell Mirror.
Image Source: DanielleDRollins.com.
At the Beach Blue Seashell Wall Mirror.
Image Source: TouchOfClass.com.
Super Drool Glazed. Natural Sea Shell Acrylic Wall Clock
Image Source: SnapDeal.com.
Oyster Shell Bowl.
Image Source: KirkLands.com.
Seashell Melange Coastal Hurricane Candleholders.
Image Source: TouchOfClass.com.
Seashell Side Table.
Image Source: FrontGate.com.
Shell-Rimmed Handwoven Rattan Charger Plate.
Image Source: PotteryBarn.com.
Melamine Dinnerware Set.
Image Source: Kohls.com.
Sequin Shells Bathroom Accessories Collection.
Image Source: Macys.com.
Coastal Basket.
Image Source: PetticoatJunktion.com.

Ladybug Hunt

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.5K views

Today being an awesome day, we spent the whole afternoon Ladybug hunting. It was such a fun activity and the kids enjoyed it. These are some of the tools we used:

– Opened Jar/Trimmed Plastic Bottle
– Hammer and Nails (to pierce the lead for air, if you don’t want them to fly off right away or die)
– Small Branch (to watch them climb)
– Magnifying Glasses
– Lots of Patience

They started the search and once the kids had one on sight, they would carefully catch them, put them in a container, admire them for a little while and then release them back into the wild. They enjoy using their magnifying glasses and often end up finding/collecting a lot more than just ladybugs.

Spring 2010 (Ladybugs Hunt).
Spring 2010 (Ladybugs Hunt).
 Spring 2012 (Ladybugs Hunt).
Spring 2012 (Ladybugs Hunt) at Lake Gregory, CA.

I have always known Ladybugs to be beneficial Garden bugs until a few months ago, when I found a few articles while looking for Vegetable Garden Ideas. I was surprised to learn that some species of these beauties are voracious pests themselves and the easiest way to figure out which is which is by counting the number, shape, and placement of the spots on their wing coverings.

Many species are beneficial to gardeners as they eat plant pests such as aphids, Cochineal, mealybug, mites, ground pearls, pit scales, cottony cushion scales and other scale insects. On the flip side, we have the Epilachninae, a different species of Ladybugs, which are herbivores, known as crop pests and are selective feeders (turnip, broccoli, cabbage, maize, beans, cotton and much more).

Before releasing Ladybugs in your garden to fight the good fight for you, make sure you are releasing the predators and not the herbivores. Click here to learn to identify the different species of Ladybugs.

Are Ladybugs in your home? Learn how to get rid of them here and here.
Click here to learn about Releasing Ladybugs in The Garden.

Spring & Garden Pest Control

JM Perez By JM Perez3 min read638 views

Spring, oh! dear Spring. The perfect time to garden for some of us and for those who planted early, it’s the perfect time to sit back and watch those flowers blossom.  I hard pruned my Rosebushes three months ago and they are now looking healthy and vigorous. While we sit back and enjoy these beautiful little things, we have to keep in mind that Spring is also the perfect time for bugs and pests to slowly make their way into our Garden and settle. By the time we blink, our lovely plants will be hosting a variety of insects:

  • Aphids. These pests are a gardeners nightmare and their infestations spread quickly from one plant to the other. They are very destructive and cause damage in the garden by sucking sap from new growth.  A natural way to control aphids is by introducing beneficial bugs such as Lacewings, Praying Mantis and Ladybugs. Adults and larvae alike feed on aphids and other soft-bodied insects. Aphids produce honeydew which ants feed on and those ants will fight for their food and its source. Click here and here for more information on getting rid of Aphids safely and click here for tips on keeping ants away from gardens.
Aphids on Roses.
Aphids on Roses.
Black Winged (Adult) Aphid.
Black Winged (Adult) Aphid.
  • Cutworms, which are moth larvae and hide under the soil during the day, coming out in the dark to feed on the first part of the plant it encounters, namely the stem or tender leaves. The easiest way to stop cutworms from eating the plants is to place a cardboard around the base of the plant (creating a barrier). Mowing and weeding the yard help expose the cutworms and destroy their habitat. Click here for other methods.
  • Curl Grubs, which are Scarab Beetle larvae that live in the soil and feed on plant roots. They are white or cream in color, brown headed with three pairs of legs and curved into a C shape when pulled out of the soil. They have a huge appetite and can cause major problems in the garden when they accumulate in large numbers. If you find them in your garden beds or pots, the best thing to do is pick them all out and feed them to the birds, chickens or ants. You can also use organic insecticide such as Eco-Grub®, Eco-Neem®, Yates Success®.
White Curl Grubs.
White Curl Grubs.
  • Slugs and Snails. These pests are considered ferocious eaters, leaving holes in leaves and slime trails on the path they have traveled. Pour Beer into a container such as ice cream or yogurt cup within an inch of the rim and place it next to your flower pot. Or bury it next to the plant being eaten by Slugs/Snails, which will be attracted by the smell of the beer. Once in, they drawn. Make sure to change the beer every few days. Sprinkle salt around the base of the plant affected. Once the Snails/Slugs climb over the salt, they will die of dehydration.

There are more Garden Pests out there, these are just the few I have to deal with, for now. It’s always a good idea to plant a variety of Flowers for their scents to attract beneficial bugs and deter unwanted pests. Plants such as Rue, Anise, Garlic, Catnip, Calendula, Marigolds, Dill, Daisy, Fennel, Mint, Coriander, Alyssum and Chives.

Click here for a list of Garden Pests and information on how to stop them.

“The Cottage Warehouse” Shop

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read663 views

One thing I came to realize with Cherubs is that the more you have, the more you want. I have a few around my house which I absolutely love. They are so adorable and they give me a sense of security and peace.

Vintage Cherub Wall Sconce.
Vintage Cherub Wall Sconce.

By now you should know how much I love Cherubs, especially when they scream ‘Vintage or Antique’. Though not a recent find, this Vintage Cherub Wall Sconce is our most recent Cherub acquisition. We bought it last year at the Blue Goose Antiques (currently known as The Cottage Warehouse) and stored it in the garage with a few more items. It wasn’t until a couple of months ago that we finally pulled the pair out.

Address Location
17344 Eucalyptus Ave, Hesperia, CA 92345
1 (760) 605-9285 (Helen)
1 (909) 214-0233 (Lynette)

Hours of Operations:
Saturday: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM (or by appointment)

Like her Facebook Page and check back for updates.

Cherub Candle Holder.
Cherub Holder.

Cherubs! I love Cherubs and their angelic faces. I have them indoors, outdoors and they add so much charm to any room decor. From candle holders to water fountain, you name it – they tend to give us a sense of assurance and security.

For me, personally, it’s more of a reminder that my Creator is always by my side.

While visiting a nearby Antique Shop this afternoon, my husband walked to the back of the store, saw this gorgeous Vintage cherub candle holder and bought it for me.

The candle on the holder is ‘Vanilla Cream’, scented.

Vintage Carved Stone Pillar.
Design Toscano Fontaine Des innocents Pedestal.

Last year we purchased this beautiful Vintage Carved Stone Pillar from the same store.

When shopping for vintage and antique, I am not so much interested about the age of a furniture, art, jewelry, etc! (though it matters), For me it’s all about the uniqueness of a piece and how gracefully it stands out from the rest.

The details on this carved stone pillar are amazing and breathtaking!

Shop Information/Location:
Blue Goose Antiques
16784 Juniper St, Hesperia, CA 92345
(760) 244-6500

Blue Goose Antiques changed to The Cottage Warehouse (with the same proprietor).
There’s a new shop called Antiques & Shabby Chic where Blue Goose Antiques used to be and it’s open Monday through Saturday from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Horseshoe Art & Yard Sculptures

EPEngineer By EPEngineer2 min read1.2K views

This morning we took a trip to Lucerne Valley, CA mainly for sightseeing having taking this drive only twice before and coming across closed shops. Today everything was open and we got to take a look at the selections each stop had to offer.

Our first stop was at Pancho’s having stopped here before and seen their selection of Cement Sculptures/Statues and Water Fountains. They have their own molds and are very friendly. Their selections are either painted or unpainted giving you the option of how to proceed with your selection once purchased.
We decided on a 12 inch wall hanging mermaid decoration which was primed brown. After cleaning it and sanding a couple of spots, we painted it Soft Lavender. What a beautiful find!

Mermaid Sculpture.
Mermaid Sculpture.

We also bought a cement smiling Buddha Statue which is very detailed and very friendly. We decided to keep it plain and only did a clear coat on it to protect it. It is a nice addition to our current Buddha collection and we hope that it will bring peace and tranquility to our garden and will be one of the focal points of interest.

Buddha Statue.
Buddha Statue.

Our next stop was at a place down the road that offered a variety of metal sculptures, bottle art, antiques and horseshoe art made by Don Henry. Don is an artist who has been creating his own horseshoe art for years (flowers, kokopelli, butterflies, bird feeders and baths, bunnies, cowboys, plant stands and many others). His products are pure metal and will withstand the test of time. My wife fell in love with a rustic metal face made out of a cover from a model A cylinder cap and horseshoes and I just had to get it for her.

Rustic Metal Face.
Rustic Metal Face.

I hope that you will enjoy these places as much as we did. Every shop is an adventure in itself.

Address Location:
Horseshoe Art by Don Henry
32111 Hwy 18, Lucerne Valley, CA 92356
Phone: 1 (951) 634-9014

Hours of Operations:
Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Click here to learn more about the City of Lucerne Valley, CA.