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Joan Ambu

Flowering Pomegranate

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read2.2K views

I found profound peace and joy last weekend in the garden. I put on my gloves once to plant an onion which had sprouted in my fridge. I spent the rest of my time walking, admiring new blooms and meditating. Gardening is therapeutic and being in the garden, standing still in the midst of my plants always uplifts my Spirit.

Last year while shopping at Lowe’s, I bought a Pomegranate tree to honor my Mother, who loves its fruit. She would wake up every morning and off she went to the store to buy ripe pomegranates. She spent hours, lovingly making me Pomegranate juice when I was pregnant with my Son. It can be quite a tedious process especially when extracting the seeds is done by hand. She even had to wear gloves and ‘special clothes’ since pomegranate seeds and juice stain everything they come in contact with.
Pomegranate are high in anti-oxidants, they are a great source of potassium, fiber and they are rich in vitamin C.

Pomegranate Flower.
Pomegranate Flower.

At first I wasn’t sure the plant would survive, but I am amazed at how well it adapted and now thriving. It turns out that these fruit-bearing deciduous shrubs grow well in the High Desert as they are drought-tolerant and can be tolerant of moderate frost. I have only had it for half a year and I can’t tell if it’s fruitless/ornamental or if it will bear fruit; I guess I will find out in the upcoming weeks. For now, I will just sit back and enjoy the lovely bright red flowers.

Click here to learn about the Health Benefits of Pomegranate
Click here to learn How to Make Pomegranate Juice
Click here to learn How to Clean Pomegranate Juice Stains.

Cocoon of Grief

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read789 views

“Soul of Christ, sanctify me,” he said. “Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within Thy wounds hide me. Suffer that I not be separated from Thee. From the malignant enemy, defend me. In the hour of my death, call me, and bid me to come to Thee, that with Thy Saints, I may praise Thee for ever and ever. Amen.” — Battletech: Warrior: Riposte (A Warrior’s Prayer).

Two weeks have passed since my friend left the World of mortals and I haven’t stopped crying. His death hurts as much as my Sisters’. I cry so much that my 3-year-old would come up to me, give me a hug and say, “that’s enough Mommy, that’s enough.” I am so thankful for my family for understanding and giving me some personal space to mourn my friend. I have learned some years ago never to question the Will of God as Isaiah 55:11 states that God’s spoken Word will not return empty to Him without accomplishing the purpose for which He sent it.

Last night after putting my kids to bed, I found myself thinking about some individuals whom I miss and who are no longer in my life. I unintentionally read a note my now deceased friend wrote me 20 years ago. I probably shouldn’t have because it did me more harm than good and by the time I realized what I had done to myself, I began praying for myself. He was my silent warrior and the only friend who called me by my last name. When asked why, he said he loved who I was and not what I was. He saw me past my shell.

We Will Meet Again.
Image Source: QuoteFlicker.com

I miss each and every one of those beautiful souls so much and I can only hope that they are now where they deserve to be (rejoicing with the Almighty). The pain is constant. Often as dormant as an inactive volcano, patiently waiting for the right moment to erupt. The Bible advises and cautions us not to dwell on the past. Worrying is an energy drainer and a dead-end. It weigh us down, it robs us of joy and inner peace, it traps us and we are never free. I know I will meet them all again, the day the Lord calls me Home. For now, I will keep moving forward.

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. ” — Philippians 3:13 (KJV)

Mr. Squirrel, Unwanted Tenant

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read555 views

Can someone make this wind go away already? I surprised myself yelling. High Desert weather is erratic. We can never be too prepared as it’s difficult to tell what is coming our way. One minute it’s hot and the next your running towards coverage. There’s so much dust and dirt flying around. It’s such a lovely day and I wish we could all go outside, sit on the swings with a glass of sweet tea and be amused by our unwanted tenant, Mr. Ground Squirrel.

Fearless Ground Squirrel.
Fearless Ground Squirrel.

For a month now, we have failed at capturing a fearless ground Squirrel, which has been coming into our property regardless of the steps we’ve taken to keep it out. It doesn’t eat anything, just interested in digging holes (one of the holes goes all the way down to our storage basement). It climbs and sits in the motor area of one of our cars. It sits pretty in the shade and stares right back at us like it was our beloved pet or something. I have caught it standing on its hind legs looking all around like “yeah, this is the life and it’s all mine.” I laughed so hard a couple of days ago when my husband said it wasn’t a regular Squirrel. Ever since it made its appearance, we haven’t seen Rabbits or Gophers around. In a way it keeps anything else out, but we need to rid our yard of it.

In spite of the erratic weather, we are having fun indoors, watching movies and snacking on healthy treats.

Nerd Day at School

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read950 views

The week of May 13th through May 17th, is the start of Spirit Week at my Son’s school. Today was Nerd Day.

We had such a wonderful weekend at home, celebrating Mother’s Day weekend and doing all the fun things we enjoy that we completely forgot to stop by Party City to buy a pair of nerd glasses for my son. We saved the day by quickly remembering that both my husband and me sported huge prescription glasses once upon a time. After locating the glasses, my husband decided to use one of his and modify it to fit our son’s little face perfectly (and oh, boy! The little dude was thrilled. He wanted a mohawk hairstyle, but his hair was just too curly).

Nerd Glasses.
Nerd Glasses.
Materials/Tools Needed Step by step
  • A Pair of Nerd Glasses
  • Tiny Screwdriver
  • Pliers
  • Spray Paint
  • Use a tiny screwdriver to open the frame and remove the lenses
  • For smaller kids, use some Pliers to bend the temple tips
    (so it wraps behind the ears)
  • Adjust the nose pads so they don’t scrape the nose bridge
  • Spray paint and let it dry

With approximately three more weeks to go until Summer vacations, my kindergartener is so excited about the fun activities his teacher has organized for them. It’s going to be a fun-filled week with lots of laughter and cheers and I am looking forward to making these moments memorable and lifting up his spirit.

Happy Mother’s Day!

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read570 views

“I remember my Mother’s Prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” — Abraham Lincoln

Happy Mother's Day. Image Source.
Happy Mother’s Day.

by Ann Taylor

Who fed me from her gentle breast,
And hushed me in her arms to rest,
And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?
My Mother.

When sleep forsook my open eye,
Who was it sung sweet hushaby,
And rocked me that I should not cry?
My Mother.

Who sat and watched my infant head,
When sleeping on my cradle bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed?
My Mother.

When pain and sickness made me cry,
Who gazed upon my heavy eye,
And wept for fear that I should die?
My Mother.

Who dressed my doll in clothes so gay,
And fondly taught me how to play,
And minded all I had to say?
My Mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My Mother.

Who taught my infant lips to pray,
And love God’s holy book and day,
And walk in wisdom’s pleasant way?
My Mother.

And can I ever cease to be
Affectionate and kind to thee,
Who was so very kind to me,
My Mother.

Ah no! the thought I cannot bear,
And if God please my life to spare,
I hope I shall reward thy care,
My Mother.

When thou art feeble, old, and grey,
My healthy arm shall be thy stay,
And I will soothe thy pains away,
My Mother.

And when I see thee hang thy head,
‘Twill be my turn to watch thy bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed,
My Mother.

For could our Father in the skies
Look down with pleased or loving eyes,
If ever I could dare despise
My Mother.

Happy Mother’s Day to all who lovingly care for a Child.