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Last Day of School & Saying Goodbye

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read602 views

Ivan & Mrs. Cindy Wismer.
Ivan & Mrs. Cindy Wismer, Teacher.

Today was the last day of school at Cottonwood Elementary.

It’s been a bittersweet day for some of us parents.
We listened to a heartfelt speech by one of the Kindergarten teachers and watched a beautiful slideshow presentation of all the children activities during the school year.

I, for one, am happy that School is over because my Son can now enjoy the holidays and work on some of his projects. At the same time, I know that he is constantly looking forward to go to school and learn new things.

It’s been a great school year for my little boy. He exceeded everyone’s expectations. I am grateful that he was assigned an awesome teacher at the start of his school year. A woman so loving, helpful, encouraging and who shows patience to all. A woman who has given him the tools to advance in life, to reach out for his goals and nurtured self-confidence in him. These are all priceless and I am thankful.

Mrs. Wismer has been teaching for 35 years and this was her first and last year at Cottonwood Elementary as she is now retiring.

Gentle Breeze of Comfort

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read666 views

It’s a gorgeous day here today. I had a good night rest and I feel rejuvenated. The weather is awesome. Sitting next to my window sill, I am watching the leaves dance in the air. The sound of the light wind is music to my ear and I am enjoying the gently breeze of comfort. It’s the last week of school at my Son’s school and he is too excited. He received an award for Perfect Attendance this morning as well as a few gifts for being smart. Tomorrow is Field Day and he is looking forward to watch the 6th Grade vs the Staff play Softball game (if the weather permits). Thursday will be the last day of school.

On Saturday I got to talk to a very dear friend, whom I hadn’t spoken to in a while. It felt really good. I gardened a little and bought a set of inspirational Gnome Statues for my kids raised garden beds.
On Sunday morning, we surprised our kids by taking them to the movies to watch Epic, which they have been looking forward to seeing ever since they saw the movie trailer. The look on their faces was priceless as they realized we were ditching the park for the movie Theater. We had an awesome time together.

Cinema West, Civic Plaza 12.
Cinema West, Civic Plaza 12.

Our Memorial Day weekend was great and as I wish for a steady weather, I am looking forward to spending some time outdoors gardening and planning our next backyard project.

Wishing you all a lovely week.

Nerium Oleander Blooms

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.2K views

The end of the month of May has always been one of my favorite time of the year mainly because I am enjoying the beauties of Spring (some of which will carry on through Summer and beyond). My Oleanders are starting to bloom all along my fenced backyard and it’s quite a lovely sight, making a great border. We pruned the plants last Summer after fertilizing and transferring a few to the other side of the fence. The plants have all kept the same height and are currently blooming profusely with pink, white and red flowers. This is one good reason for me to spend more time outdoors and enjoy the lovely view.

Nerium Oleander.
Nerium Oleander.

After attempting and failing to grow Oleanders for a year from seeds (collected from the seed capsule), I gave up. I think I would have had better luck by taking a cutting off an existing plant, submerging it in water until the cutting begin producing roots (after which you can plant the cutting in a garden bed or in a pot). This is such a simple and painless process compared to growing Oleanders from seeds.

Nerium Oleander Seeds & Young Plant.
Nerium Oleander Seeds & Young Plant.

Last Fall I noticed a strange sprout amongst my Birgi® Lily, which I quickly disregarded. Today, after taking a closer look, I realized that a seed had germinated after all and I know have a young plant. I will dig it out and place it in a pot next weekend. It might take years for the title plant to bloom and only then will I know its flowering color.

All parts of Oleander are poisonous and should be handled with extreme caution. It’s a Deadly Beauty.

Hungry Squirrel in The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read564 views

The weather has been unpredictable and unstable these past days. I have been spending so much time at the Windows, watching the wind move dead leaves around. I am amazed at how much needles from our Pine Needle Tree have fallen and spread all over the ground. Such a sight is a reminder that we need to cut down the Pine tree, which will give us additional room to extend our deck.

I have missed going outside and tending to my plants.
While preparing lunch early in the afternoon, I took a minute to look out the window to my surprise. Mr. Squirrel had made his way to my front yard in search of something.  Food, I presume. Ground Squirrels eat insects such as ants, grasshoppers and termites. They also eat seeds and vegetation (especially in Summer). They have numerous burrows which are surrounded by hills of dirt in my next door neighbor’s backyard and they seems to come to my property for food. This is the first time they have come this close and we know something has to be done.

Hungry Squirrel in The Garden.
Hungry Squirrel in The Garden.

Together with the family, we watched FernGully: The Last Rainforest and FernGully 2: The Magical Rescue. We are looking forward to the release of Epic, tomorrow. Also on our movie list today were Ponyo, The Castle of Cagliostro, Howl’s Moving Castle, Porco Rosso, My Neighbor Totoro, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Steamboy as well as other movies from the legendary anime film makers Hayao Miyazaki and Katsuhiro Otomo. These are awesome animated movies and a few of my kids favorite.