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Joan Ambu

Scarab Beetles & Plants

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.1K views

I spent part of my morning hard pruning more roses, cutting off the low hanging branches of Desert Willow trees growing along my fence and relocating some bricks for a future project. Everything was going well until I took a closer look at the last of my Crimson Glory Tea Tree. I knew I had lost it and I knew the cause: Curl Grubs, around fifteen to twenty of them! I pulled out the dried up shrub and made sure I removed every single larvae I could find from the hole and to my surprise, I found an adult. I read that as the Scarab Beetle emerges from the ground, it lays more eggs in the soil. It sounds to me that there is little to no hope to the plant since it’s a never ending cycle until the plant itself is destroyed and the main source of food is gone.

Crimson Glory Tea Tree.
Crimson Glory Tea Tree (a couple of weeks ago).

Crimson Glory Tea Tree is a plant I really like. I lost the first two after four years and decided to give it another try. Now I know that the plant is also a favorite of Scarab Beetles; therefore, I will not purchase another plant. At least not until I find a way to protect it from Beetles and other insects. It’s just unfortunate.

Curl Grub and Scarab Beetle.
Curl Grub and Scarab Beetle.

On a much happier note, my Pendula Yucca has been propagating like crazy from rhizomes. Just last month, I noticed three more sprouts and they are growing fast. I seems that for every plant I loose around the garden, I gain two from my Pendula Yucca. Like the saying goes, you lose some and you win some.

Pendula Yucca.
Pendula Yucca (and some new shoots).

We finally dug out the last Oleanders along one side of the backyard fence (Whoo-hoo!). It would be awesome to get rid of the ones on the other side by the end of the year; though it can wait.

Thoughts On My Birthday

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read792 views

“As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily. The breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world.” – Terri Guillemets

I’ve learned so much about myself through the years and I’m perfectly content with my Life.

I am in awe with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for His gift of Life and unfathomable love. I am thankful for my loving Husband who has not left my side and made it a priority to write me a heartfelt note for the past 14 years, on my special day. I am so lucky to have my Children; they’ve made me a better person, taught me things about myself that I never knew about. I am blessed to have incredible Parents who have always stood by me, believed in me and taught me about not giving up. I’m grateful for my amazing brothers who constantly look out for me. Though the grief never goes away and ebbs with the seasons and the years; I’m grateful for knowing my incredible Sister whose love was honest and true. I know she’s with me, always.

In My 30s (Thirties).
In My 30s (Thirties).

My absolute best moment of last week was when I asked my daughter what she would get for me and she said: Strawberry Shortcake Blueberry Muffin Doll and some cupcake toys. And she added, we could play together. She made me smile all week-long and I found it sneaky that she planned on giving me the same items on her wish list. It is so wonderful of her to want to share her favorites things with me.

Thank you all for hanging tough with me another Year.

Enjoying The Rain

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read566 views

Yesterday’s rainfall brought so much joy and peace of mind.

It is the second rain we have had since the start of Summer and it was such a relief. Like most weekends, we are always out and about visiting Vintage and Antique Shops, Retail Stores, Nurseries and so much more. One thing I very much wanted to do this weekend was to take the kids to a Park and let them loose.
Instead of doing those wonderful things, we opted to stay home. As of now, the backyard fencing is 80% complete. We got rid of more Oleanders and what a difference! It feels like we gained three feet on that side of the yard. It started raining, so we ran into the garage, sat back enjoying some delicious and nutritious snacks while watching the rain fall. It was a wonderful moment for the kids. As soon as the rains stopped, they resumed drawing on the driveway with Crayola Sidewalk Chalk and we continued digging out more Oleanders.

Hawk perched on a Wire.

Early in the evening as my husband was removing and replacing all the solar batteries, he spotted a Hawk perched on a Wire just above the Sweet Almond Tree.

Fall Colors in The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read671 views

Fall, despite being the reason for the sneezing, is my best gardening season. For me, Fall is a season of new beginnings and hope renewed. For a gardener who wasn’t satisfied with a project, seeing the leaves on plants dying off and leaves on trees start to fall off is a relief. A self motivation to do better the next season.

When you’ve lived in an area for a while, you are able to ‘guess’ what time of year it is, what season, what is/might happen the following days. Because of our unpredictable weather, I often rely on familiar signs given by Nature for my gardening needs. The plants are healthy and thriving. I am focusing my attention to my Fall Shrubs and flowering Plants for their vibrant colors.

According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Zone Map, the High Desert including a few cities in the Mohave Desert area are in Sunset Zone 10. Given the fact that the High Desert consists of many cities such as Victorville, Hesperia, Adelanto, Apple Valley, Phelan, Lucerne Valley, Oak Hills, Oro Grande, Piñon Hills and others; each with its own weather forecast; It is safe to say that the hardiness zones in the High Desert are: 8B, 9A, 10 and 11 depending on the location (click here to learn more). Click here to find your Plant Hardiness Zone.

Below is a list of wonderful flowering plants for Fall which grow well in the High Desert:

Russian Sage
Nana Nandina
Heavenly Bamboo
Mexican Sage
Toad Lily
Anise Hyssop (herb)
Red Spider Lily (bulbs)
Autumn Crocus (bulbs)
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Fall Colors in The Garden.
Fall Colors in The Garden.

Keep in mind that most of these plants need some protection from the wind and always check for toxicity. That being said, we are finally riding our backyard of Nerium Oleanders as we have so much planned for the months ahead and this is one of the steps to get the yard ready. They will be gone by the end of the year. Anyone interested in the plant should contact me for additional information. I am located in the High Desert of California.

Fall is nearing and my kids are so excited about decorating the front yard. We are planning on picking up a couple of Hay bales, some large decorative Pumpkins which paired together with Matilda, our Good Witch Porch Greeter, will look entertaining. Now we have to find an area where the wind won’t mess up our displays.

Happy Gardening!

Pondering in The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.2K views

I haven’t seen a single bee around since last month and I don’t know if they will be coming back any time soon. Meanwhile, my female flowers need to be pollinated in order for the buds to become a pumpkin. Yesterday I pollinated the first female flower by hand. I figured that since pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anthers of a flower to the stigma of the same flower (or a different flower); then perhaps I could just cut the male flower, remove its petals and rub the male stamen’s pollen over the female stigma.

The pollinating process reminded me of all the things we often take for granted because someone of something else is in charge. Can you imagine how stressful life might become without the assistance of the bees? Can imagine hand pollinating each and every single one of your crop by hand? Let’s all help save the bees, starting with these 10 Simple Things YOU Can Do and clicking here to sign a petition to ban chemicals.

Male & Female Pumpkin Flowers.
Male & Female Pumpkin Flowers.

Yesterday, amongst other things, I found two Drawers from our old Kitchen Cabinets, which I cleaned and removed the knobs. I asked my husband to cut and attach three legs to its base and then spray paint the finish product. I replaced the original knobs with a set of drawer pulls I bought from Michael’s a few months ago.

Drawer Garden Planter.
Drawer Garden Planter.

I spent a peaceful moment in the garden today. I am off to spend a relaxing evening with the family.

Happy Gardening!