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Joan Ambu

Giving to Heal & Comfort

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read555 views

While beautiful, the month of September has been quite rough with tension rising and emotions running wild. Somethings have been out of place and we are working hard at getting them right back on track. Hopefully the month will end just as beautifully has it started and we will all move forward to better things.

I learned just a few days ago of the death of a friend’s Mother. I would have received it sooner had I reminded my Middle and High School mates of my change of e-mail address. I am so thankful at how swiftly some of us react when it comes to assisting one another in times of need. A team on site with the collaboration of those of us who can’t be there, is getting everything ready to physically, emotionally and financially support the grieving family as they deal with their loss. I love giving and I am honored to be part of such a positive group.

Image Source: Trans4Mind.com.
Image Source: JustMotivated.com.

Why should you give? For one it’s the right thing to do and it doesn’t cost you much. Give because it will make a difference and because giving is the start of a positive chain of action. What can you give?

  • Your Money. There are so many good charities out there in need of financial support.
  • Your Time. Donate your time to the less fortunate, offer to help feed the needy, help rebuild a home, be there for someone in need. Make a difference by volunteering.
  • Your Material. Donate things you no longer need as long as they’ve been gently used and non-perishable.
  • Yourself. Donate blood (American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers, Blood Banker). Donate your hair to provide hair replacements/wigs for people who have lost their hair from cancer due to chemotherapy (Locks of Love, Pantene Beautiful Lengths, Wigs for Kids, Children with Hair Loss). Think about the possibilities of becoming an organ donor.

“That’s what I consider true generosity. You give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing.” ― Simone De Beauvoir

Clinging to Uncertainty

JM Perez By JM Perez3 min read572 views

The past couple of weeks have been mentally draining as I learned of families being divided over material things. Hope and expectations being let down resulting in a family feud with siblings turning against each other and causing so much headache. Is anything worth loosing a loved one? One approach in attempting to resolve a problem, is to put oneself in the other person’s shoes. Then we can move on to examine our conscience to see if we somehow contributed to the problem. Going this route will allow both parties to calm down and think; thus, changing the cause of their initial state of mind. Always stop and think.
What causes rifts and what are some repercussions when holding on to grudges?

Trust and Betrayal. It is said that there is a thin line between love and hate and the same applies here.

The Scorpion and the Frog (Aesop’s Fables)

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion says, “Because if I do, I will die too.”

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp “Why?” Replies the scorpion: “Its my nature…” Then they both disappeared under the water.

This fable is about, generosity, trust and betrayal and it teaches us that our true nature/character always comes out no matter what we say and how convincing we are of the contrary. Some people can change with consistent effort. But for the most part, we cannot change who we truly are. This doesn’t mean we should stop helping others; rather, we know ourselves better (strengths, weaknesses, limits) and learn about the individuals seeking our help. When in doubt, politely say no rather than putting yourself in harm’s way.

Material Things.

A sure way to be miserable all your life is to cling to material things. Yes, material things can give a sense of security, comfort, power, belonging, achievement and so much more. However, those things are superficial and can be gone in the blink of an eye. While you are busy acquiring and contemplating such possessions, you stop enjoying life and its simple pleasures. Material things should complement a good life, not be used as indicators of a good life. If your define yourself by these things, don’t let them change you.

Image Credit: Willow Tree.com.
Image Credit: Willow Tree.com.

Self-contentment and Acceptance.

“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” ― Socrates

One way to avoid clinging to uncertainty is to be content within. We can start by loving ourselves, valuing our lives and accepting the things we cannot change. The grass might be greener on the other side, but not always. We have to work hard at getting where we want to be and understand that happiness is what we create, what we make it and not something which has been predetermined. Thrive to be an open-minded, non-judgmental, knowledgeable and kind person. Seek that which makes your heart sing and embrace it.

Observing & Learning

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read863 views

Do you know someone or have you ever had a conversation with someone who believes their way is the only way and who is reluctant to embrace new ideas? Often times, when we witness a wrong being done, our first instinct is to correct it. Mend the pieces and make it whole again. Though we should and must all face consequences for our actions; I find it a little harsh to tell people that they should lie in their bed the same way they made it. I also realize that as hurtful as it might be, it’s necessary.

As I was conversing with an old classmate recently, he asked me as a friend, to tell him what I dislike about him because he can’t have lasting relationships. Well, for one I let him know that in a relationship, no one is 1oo% at fault or innocent. We have to be honest from the start. We need to understand that we are all different and learn to compromise. Never underestimate, belittle anyone or anything. Never guess or assume things. Never speak on behalf of someone unless you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that your statement is true.

Image Source: Trans4Mind.com.
Image Source: Trans4Mind.com.

You probably know someone or have heard of someone whose drive in life seems to have faded to nothing and they cannot move on either because they don’t know how or they are not ready for the answer. Such individuals have not moved on past a certain point in their Life probably because they have not learned from the experience and thus, cannot absorb and/or retain new information.

After counseling, helping, assisting and going over the same process time and time again with little to no success; we must ask ourselves what is it we are doing? What are our expectations and what are we hoping to accomplish? Perhaps we need some peace of mind knowing that we tried? That we were there? That we did everything we could have done? That we gave everything we could have given? There comes a time too, when we need to let go of others hand and allow them to find themselves in the World because:

“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” ― Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times (Shambhala Classics).

Rose Budworm

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read4.6K views

For over a month now, I have noticed random holes in some of my Rose bush buds. I blamed the ants and other tiny insects. This afternoon I found a pinkish worm burrowing and eating its way into a bud (using the petals as food source). Due to their size and the color of the buds, the larvae can be hard to notice too.

Rose Budworm.
Pre-pupatory Larva of a Glistening Caerulean burrowed in a Rose bud.
Rose Budworm.
Pre-pupatory Larva of a Glistening Caerulean.
Rose Budworm.
Hole in a Rose Bud caused by a Budworm.

When next you’re working around your Garden and you see a bunch of holes on your Rose buds (or any other bud), simply hand pick the worm and dispose of it.

I found an interesting blog post which talks more about the life history of this Glistening Caerulean. Click here.

Our Productive Day

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1K views

Tending to the garden and backyard today was productive and fun. We achieved so much and will be moving forward with our design. I dug out one of my young Yucca Pendula from the backyard and moved it to the front yard. I dug out most of my Gladiola from the front garden and move them to the back, relocated my Star Jasmine and I was pleasantly surprise to find out that one of my mini Rose bush is blooming for the first time in at least 4 years! It has been growing in the front yard all this time until last month, when I moved it to the backyard. It has surprised me with beautiful white rose flowers. I guess it just needed a breath of fresh air.

I spotted a few interesting insects, one of which the Seaside Grasshopper below.

Tan Brown Grasshopper.
Seaside Grasshopper.

Four years ago, we harvested a couple of Mint Plants from a family friend. We brought them home and they took off as soon as we planted them. We knew little about growing this plant and we were so overwhelmed when they invaded pretty much everything around them. We thought we had removed all of it until last month when they began growing from the roots. I dug up one new shoot and planted it next to a mini rose bush. It has grown so much that I asked my husband to build a planter just for it. Growing up, my Mom used Mint in the kitchen all the time and I loved the smell. So, growing it not only remind me of the good times, but it also gives me an opportunity to introduce it to my children. Click here to learn about Mint benefits and here to find recipes.

Primitive Planter.
Primitive Planter.

I found a Tan Brown Widow Spider on one of the birdhouses we built. It seemed to have appropriated the birdhouse. According to the Center for Invasive Species Research, University of California Riverside, the Brown Widow Spider, Latrodectus Geometricus, became established in Southern California in early 2000 and has become well entrenched as part of the local spider fauna in urban Los Angeles and San Diego.  The brown widow spider is continuing its expansion in Southern California and could possibly move northward into Central California. Click here to read the complete article and click here to learn to identify this spider.

Brown Widow Spider.
Tan Brown Widow Spider.

Happy Gardening and enjoy your weekend.