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Joan Ambu

Dangers of Greed

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.4K views

“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” ― Socrates

The type of individuals I dislike most in this World are those who believe they are the beginning and the end. Those who, in their sick minds have convinced themselves that they are always right and will bow to no one regardless of the situation. Evils individuals who will go as far as stepping on their target’s head to reach for their goals.

I personally do not think wanting more in life is being greedy. However, when those desires get out of control, they become very dangerous and lead to other sins. When your desires to acquire more blinds you from your purpose in life and the reality of your very existence, then you’ve gone too far.

“Greed’s worst point is its ingratitude.” — Seneca the Younger
Image source: QuoteFancy.com

Characteristics of greedy people:

  • Self-centered
  • Ungrateful
  • Arrogant
  • Manipulative
  • Impatient
  • Hypocrites
  • Scheming
  • Receivers, even at someone else’s expense
  • Commit fraud for personal gain
  • Silent killers (gaining strength from someone else’s pain)
  • Live in the moment (regardless of what lies ahead)

Uncontrollable greed is sin. It destroys relationships, tearing family and friends apart. Greedy people don’t think about the “what ifs”; they are lost in the moment and have fallen so low that they lose touch with their reality.
By wanting and desiring too much, we end up losing everything.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed”. — Mahatma Gandhi
Image source: PureHappyLife.com

Breaking free of greed is hard, but not impossible. We must ask ourselves questions such as:

  • Do I need it?
  • Why do I need it?
  • Must I have it?
  • Don’t I have enough?
  • Will I feel better?
  • Will my actions/decisions hurt someone else?
  • Will I regret it?
  • Can someone else benefit from it?

Rather than constantly wanting, we should practice giving. The bottom line is to treat people as you would like to be treated yourself.

Beautiful Winter Season

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read589 views

Much to everyone’s surprise it still hasn’t snowed in the High Desert and my kids, who were looking forward to making snow angels were a little disappointed. Our mornings are chilly and the nights are long and cold.  It has rained a lot lately, causing flooding, mudslides and other property damages.

Thick clouds floating at the bottom of elevated snowy mountain peaks.

Even though we didn’t get any snow (and most likely will not be getting any this Winter season), for the first time in many years, our mountains covered by thick snow look prettier than ever.

Snowy Mountains.

We have beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Beautiful Sunrise.
Beautiful Sunset.

Stay warm while enjoying nature.

3D Penguin Project [2]

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read2.5K views

For the past week, we have been assisting our daughter in creating her first 3D Penguin. It’s a school project she’s been looking forward to and she had so much fun researching and working on it.

3D Penguin Project.

Materials/Tools Needed

  • School Glue
  • Tissue Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Craft Foam Balls
  • Craft Pom-poms
  • Sharpies/Markers
  • Electrical Wire Cap
  • Screw and Screwdriver
  • Juice Barrel

Step by Steps (for this project):

  • Get the screw and screwdriver and insert it through the back of the foam ball until it comes out the front half ways. Now, get the electrical wire cap and screw it on.
  • Apply school glue around the bottle neck of the juice barrel and sit the foam ball.
  • Generously apply school glue at the base of the juice barrel neck and around the foam ball.
  • Cut out strips of tissue paper and lay them from the base of the juice barrel neck to the top of the foam ball. This will help secure the foam ball to the barrel and give you a paper surface to glue the craft pom-poms to.
  • Generously apply glue to the rest of the juice barrel and cover with more tissue paper. Let dry.
  • Cut out flippers and legs out of cardboard. Use strips of tissue paper to attach the flippers to the sides of the juice barrel.
  • Draw the feet of the penguin and apply glue to the base of the juice barrel and secure the feet to it.
  • Use a sharpie to color the electrical wire cap and draw its eyes/features.
  • Using your scissors, cut each pom-pom in half, apply glue to the coverage area and secure it. Repeat until its all covered to your liking.
3D Penguin Project.
3D Penguin Project.

You can click here to view my son’s project from three years ago.

Season Greetings

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read605 views

It’s been a couple of months since my last blog post.
I have been extremely busy. In addition to taking care of my family needs, I have been helping out an elderly neighbor. The past months have been quite overwhelming and rewarding. I have been transformed through every single act of service, and I am facing life cheerfully.

Have you and your loved ones been well? Have you accomplished everything you set out to achieve this year? In the midst of chaos in your life, did you manage to put yourself first? Did you get to reach out to, love, forgive, comfort, help, give back to someone?

Let your good deeds be like rain, drop a little everywhere.
Source: MuslimKids.TV

May the peace and beauty of this holiday season be with you and your families throughout the upcoming year.