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High Desert Gardening

DIY: Gopher Trapping

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.7K views

We are rejoicing today as the trap we set in place finally caught the Pocket Gopher, which has been digging holes on a daily basis around my Photinia Fraseri (Red Robin) shrubs. Last week, I covered a hole it dug at the base of one of the huge barrels in the front yard and it kept returning to the same hole. Yesterday, we finally had enough and my husband decided to set a Macabee Gopher Trap in the freshly dug hole.

Gopher Trap.
Gopher Trap.

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Macabee Gopher Trap
  • Shovel, Garden Trowel
  • Wire chain (to secure the trap in place)
  • Stake (to hold, support and secure the wire chain in place)
  • Gloves or your bare hands
  • Fabric, cardboard, leaves, mulch or anything light to cover the hole.

Step by Step:

  • Using a shovel, open the tunnel wide enough to set the trap
  • Use a stake to secure the wire chain (attached to the trap) to prevent the injured Gopher from running away with the trap. Otherwise you will have to dig further to pull out the dead rodent and recover your trap.
  • Cover the hole with plastic, fabric, cardboard, plywood, leaves, mulch or stones  (to help create the illusion that the hole has been closed from the outside).
Gopher Trapped.
Gopher Trapped.

This is the fifth Pocket Gopher we have caught since we moved here.

Joy Of Gardening

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read669 views

Despite the hectic weather, it felt good stepping out today and watching the wind send leaves flying everywhere in the backyard as I slowly made my way towards the front porch. It was time to bring my Boston Fern indoors. I walked around the backyard and spent a couple of minutes with my Roses. These are some of  the moments I cherish the most. Growing and caring for Roses is hard work as it demands a lot of determination, time, patience and love. In the end it pays a thousandfold and I have had a wonderful year with my Roses.

French Lace Rose.
French Lace Rose.
Little Pete Mini-multiflora Rose.
Little Pete Mini-multiflora Rose.
Blue Moon Rose Bud.
Blue Moon Rose Bud.

On my way to collect the trash can from the street earlier in the week, I couldn’t resist stopping by my Rose Garden where a couple of rose bushes where blooming. As I began taking pictures of the beautiful blooms, I spotted a large Green Valley Grasshopper (from its rather large size, I believe it’s a female). I can’t tell if the insect was just hanging out, perhaps resting from a long flight or just getting ready to feed on my plants.

Green Valley Grasshopper.
Green Valley Grasshopper.
Spartan Floribunda Rose.
Spartan Floribunda Rose.

Today my heart is particularly filled with gratitude for the gift of Life and beauty in the World.

The Wind has Settled Down

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read604 views

What a change and what a lovely day! The winds have finally settled down, the dirt has hardened a little from the little rain we had on Monday and the thick grey clouds melted away.  There was no damages to the plants and structures; but a backyard covered with so many tumbleweeds. I didn’t mind as I was happy to see a beautiful blue sky, the mountains covered in snow and some of my late blooming perennials.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

I was so delighted to see my Mums all in bloom. They are easy to grow, low maintenance and late bloomers. I am growing mine in containers along with other Fall perennials. They have remained green for a very, very long time and just recently burst open with bright colors ranging from red to yellow. More information here.


I love Dianthus and mine seem to surprise me every day with a new color. I love the varieties.

A few Dianthus variety.

As I was walking around my Rose Garden, I saw a huge dried up stem which snapped as soon as I pulled on it to expose a tiny cream-colored larvae. According to the website fs.usda.gov (USDA Forest Service – US Department of Agriculture), adult flat headed wood borers are small to relatively large beetles with small antennae and a characteristic oval body shape and they are called metallic wood borers because they are iridescent or metallic looking underneath and sometimes on top. Larvae are white, legless grubs similar to bark beetle larvae, but the body shape is elongated, and the head area is different than bark beetle larvae. They attack stressed, dying, or dead trees and can also attack freshly cut timber before it is dried.
For more information, click here to download the PDF file.

Flat Headed Borer Larva.
Flat Headed Borer Larva.

Can you see the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug below? I wouldn’t have noticed it if it wasn’t for my husband. What a clever attempt to camouflage and blend into its surroundings.

Brown Stink Bug.
Brown Stink Bug.

Happy Gardening and discoveries in your Yards.

Getting Busy on a Windy Day

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read657 views

What do you do when it’s windy and the day is slow? I could watch TV, a Movie, listen to Music, read a Book and so much more. What I love to do on a windy day when gardening is not an option, is simply walk around my garden and take pictures of my beautiful flowers. This morning I went around my Rose Garden and captured a few images with my camera. There are a lot more Roses which are yet to bloom.

Just Joey Hybrid Tea Rose Bud.
Just Joey Hybrid Tea Rose Bud.
Spartan Floribunda Rose.
Spartan Floribunda Rose.
Pink Rose.
Pink Miniature Rose.
Pristine® Hybrid Tea Rose.
Pristine® Hybrid Tea Rose.
Eutin Floribunda Rose.
Eutin Floribunda Rose.
Sunblest Rose.
Sunblest Rose.
Red Rose.
Red Miniature Rose.
Iceberg Floribunda Rose.
Iceberg Floribunda Rose.
Camelot Hybrid Tea Rose.
Camelot Hybrid Tea Rose.
Sun Sprinkles Miniature Rose.
Sun Sprinkles Miniature Rose.

Happy Gardening!

DIY: Garden Trellis

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read634 views

The weather is great today, making it is a good day to get busy in the garden.
I got to bury the legs of the Garden Trellis that my husband build a few years back. This trellis will support the young vine (Common Jasmine), as well as provide proper training and maintenance.

This simple/primitive garden trellis was built using old pieces of some baseboard we removed from the house when we were doing the upgrades, a medium size screw to hold the top together as well as some twines.

Garden Trellis for  Common Jasmine.

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Old baseboard pieces
  • Jute Twine
  • Wood Screws, Power Drill, Drill Bits
  • Stain (for the Wood) or Paint/Spray Paint

Step by step:

  • Get your baseboard and cut them into three pieces of your desire height
  • Hold the three pieces and screw them together at the top
  • Paint/Stain the finish product (you could paint/stain the pieces of wood before or after screwing them)
  • Let dry
  • Wrap the twine around the tripod, keeping it nice and tight and it’s ready to be used.