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High Desert Gardening

Garden Orb Spider

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read617 views

The Summer vacation has come and gone. The kids are once again back to school and I’m finding it hard to believe that September will soon be here.

Mother Nature has been so wonderful lately that I didn’t get to do much in the garden.
After Wednesday’s light rain however, I had some clean up to do around the house. I spotted a young Argiope Trifasciata (also known as orb weaving spider) hanging head down on my garage door. Argiope Trifasciata is a species of spider found around the world where the habitat is favorable.

Argiope Trifasciata, a Banded Garden Orbweaver.
Argiope Trifasciata, a Banded Garden Orbweaver.
Argiope Trifasciata, a Banded Garden Orbweaver.
Argiope Trifasciata, a Banded Garden Orbweaver.

The spider is known to make a highly symmetrical orb web and is found in late summer and early fall as temperatures start dropping. Though considered harmless, the Banded Garden Orbweaver might bite if it feels threatened.

Wishing you a great day. Take time to enjoy your weekend!

Cottontail Rabbit Hunt

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read558 views

As Summer heat hit its peak, critters and other living things alike come out in search for food and shelter. Sometimes they are lucky and sometimes they find an unfortunate fate.

For almost a month now, some of my plants in the front yard have been decimated by a Cottontail Rabbit, which made itself at home every evening to feast. Most of my Gaura Lindheimeri young plants are either halfway gone or a total loss. Those cute little animals are a menace as they can be very destructive to unfenced gardens.

Young Cottontail Rabbit.

As you can see on the above picture, the young Cottontail Rabbit remained hidden underneath the Gaura Lindheimeri plant and didn’t budge when my husband got his Pellet Gun ready and opened the door. The first shot missed the Rabbit which still didn’t move. The second shot got it in the ear and that was the end.

I will move on to revive the rest of the damaged plants and secure my front yard fencing.

One Interesting Afternoon

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read628 views

I have kept busy finishing a few backyard projects and tending to my Gardens.

We finally caught one of the many Pocket Gophers which have been digging holes and leaving mounds of dirt all over my front yard. What a relief! I found a couple of holes at the far end of my backyard and we will be setting another trap.

Trapped Pocket Gopher.
Trapped Pocket Gopher.

I found an adult female Black Widow Spider by my front porch and squashed it with my shoe.

According to Wikipedia, female spiders are often 20 times the mass of the males of the same species and produce much more venom than the other sex. Only females are of medical concern, as the shorter, weaker jaws of the males cannot penetrate mammalian skin. The neurotoxin of these spiders is, by volume, considered among the most toxic produced in nature, and by volume is more toxic than most snake venom. It is 15 times more virulent than that of the prairie rattlesnake.

Adult Female Black Widow Spider.
Adult Female Black Widow Spider.

We spent an interesting afternoon at the Mojave Narrows Regional Park. It was our first time there and the kids enjoyed the peaceful sight as we walked around.

While walking around the fishing lake, we saw a fisherman directing a snake away from him. As I freaked out, he told us it was a Gopher Snake and explained that the reptile only goes after rodents, but will bite humans if threatened. I didn’t care about the non venomous bite lecture, I was out of there. He cautioned us to be watchful around the park as the reptiles are out and about around burrows and on trees in search of prey.

Pacific Gopher Snake.
Pacific Gopher Snake.

Wishing you a beautiful start to your weekend.

Windy Afternoon

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read775 views

I have kept busy in the garden lately, building plant support, planting and transplanting.
The plants are healthy, thriving and more Hummingbirds are visiting my gardens. My lone surviving evergreen vine and climber Pink Jasmine is covered in pink buds and delicate fragrant white flowers.

Have you tried Jasmine Tea? It is said to be efficient against coughs, sore throats and weight loss. Jasmine Tea can help relieve headaches, balance fluids in the body, regulate blood circulation and arterial tension. Jasmine Essential Oil is used for massaging and in treating dry, brittle, or dehydrated skin. Click here to read about Jasmine’s many benefits.

For best results, grow your Jasmine in full sun.

Pink Jasmine Flowers.
Pink Jasmine Flowers.

My Gaura Lindheimeri plants are hosts of the Caterpillars of the White-lined Sphinx (Hummingbird Moth).

Caterpillar on Gaura Lindheimeri.
Caterpillar on Gaura Lindheimeri.

Just beginning to bloom in my backyard is the Dwarf Myrtle (Myrtus Compacta); a deer resistant and evergreen shrub with delicate creamy-white flowers. The foliage and stems exude a pleasant scent when crushed.

Dwarf Myrtle.
Dwarf Myrtle.

While cleaning my Tipsy Pots Plant Tower, I found a dead Spider trapped in its own web.

Dead Spider.
Dead Spider in its web.

It’s a lovely day today and I am grateful for the Wind which is keeping us cool during hot days like today.

Yellow Garden Flowers

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read762 views

With temperatures soaring, our High Desert Plants seem to be at their best.
As I wan­dered around my backyard garden this morning, I noticed various shades of Yellow Flowers.

Bee Pollinating French Broom.
Bee Pollinating French Broom.

How could I miss the fragrant flower of Miniature Rose “Thanks To Sue” and its eye-catching delicate apricot petals?

Miniature Rose "Thanks To Sue."
Miniature Rose “Thanks To Sue.”
Miniature Rose "Del Sol."
Miniature Rose “Del Sol.”
Golden Orange Miniature Rose.
Golden Orange Miniature Rose.

The Stella D’Oro Daylilies have burst with vibrant yellow blooms.

Stella D’Oro Daylily.
Stella D’Oro Daylily.

With weeds out of sight and temperatures rising, I don’t spend as much time gar­den­ing as I used to. I spend time plan­ning, designing, mov­ing furniture and plants to new loca­tions as well as watching the plants grow. I still have a long way to go with my gardens, but for now, I am content with .