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Heart Decorating Project

Heart Decorating Project

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read620 views

It’s been very quiet around here lately. The Flu has made its last round in the house and just as everyone is finally recovering and looking forward to an adventurous weekend of Treasure Hunting, the weather has a different opinion. Unless you are a ‘go getter, rain or shine’; the weather is a major factor to take into consideration when living in the High Desert (followed by weeds). We spend most of our time reading and watching movies.

My Kindergartener has been doing really well at school. He has received another Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate and this afternoon he wrote me a heartfelt story using a heart shape note pad he received from school. He has a way of melting my overjoyed heart and making me such a proud Mother.

Heart Decorating Project.
Heart Decorating Project.

Tonight we worked on a Family Decorating Project. We were asked to decorate a Heart which will be displayed for viewing on Valentine’s Day. Like with the other projects, we try to keep it simple while making it unique. For this project, we decorated this Heart using scrapbook papers (the kids favorite colors). We cut the paper into small pieces and randomly glued them inside the heart and added two silhouettes in a heart shaped frame.