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Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year 2013

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read486 views

Looking back at the previous year, we are very thankful for our lives and good health, for all the life lessons, the memories we created, the experiences we acquired and the many accomplishments we made.

We pray that the Year 2013 will be more promising than the previous one. We pray for Peace in the World, for more Love and compassion in our hearts. We pray for guidance, new beginnings and God’s amazing Grace.

Wishing you a Healthy, Blessed and Successful 2013.

Hapy New Year 2013! Image Source: WallpapersWala.Com
Hapy New Year 2013!
Image Source: WallpapersWala.Com

A New Year Prayer by Johann Rist

Help us, O Lord! behold we enter
Upon another year today;
In Thee our hopes and thoughts now center,
Renew our courage for the way;
New life, new strength, new happiness,
We ask of Thee; oh, hear, and bless!