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Gladiolus Seed Pod

Collecting Gladiolus Seeds

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read2.8K views

A few more Glads are blooming in my garden this morning and they are utterly charming. I have more coming on though I am not sure they will bloom at the same time.

Gladiolus 'White Prosperity'.
Gladiolus ‘White Prosperity’.
Gladiolus 'Early Bird'.
Gladiolus ‘Early Bird’.
Gladiolus 'Fiorentina'.
Gladiolus ‘Fiorentina’.
Gladiolus 'Yellow'.
Gladiolus ‘Yellow’.
Gladiolus 'Super Star'.
Gladiolus ‘Super Star’.

For the first time in two years, I decided to collect Gladiolus seeds.  As the seed pods matured and turned brown, I cut the dry tall stalks, cracked open the seed pods and collected the seeds which I put in a plastic bag and placed in a cool area. I don’t know if the seeds are viable or if they will germinate; I will find out next Spring.

Gladiolus Seed Pod & Seeds.
Gladiolus Seed Pods & Seeds (‘Super Star’).

I will be sharing more pictures as soon as the other Glads bloom.

It’s a beautiful day. Happy Gardening!