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Beautiful Day in The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read663 views

I am so grateful for the bright and warm weather we’ve had since the beginning of the week, contrary to what we had last week. As much as I enjoy Fall season; I am not fond of the cold nights, especially when the temperature goes down to 32 degrees °F (Fahrenheit) and I begin to wonder whether or not it will snow (how bad and for how long)? Snow is really not something I look forward to.

Yesterday, the kids helped their Father finish putting together the Halloween Robot he built for them. They used Solar Cells to light up the chest area (red) and eyes (green). As cute as the project turned out; I wouldn’t want to stumble upon such a thing at night as I might be scared out of my mind.
We will create a separate post with pictures as well as a DIY Tutorial.

Partial View of My Front Yard.
Partial View of My Front Yard.

I planted some California Poppies in the backyard as well as some Roses from the 99¢ Only Stores. I’ve come to love Roses from this store. The store carries so many varieties and they are so gorgeous. Some of my favorites are: Let Freedom Ring, French Lace, Moonstone Hybrid Tea, Madame Plantier, among others.
Determined to help me garden, my kids’ favorite activities were watering, drawing on the dirt and of course, splashing about! No matter how things turn out, family time is very much cherished in my house.

I will setup my new Hammock and enjoy the rest of my afternoon reading.

Delightful Garden Planters

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.5K views

For me, there’s nothing more fun than spending time outdoors with my family. Gardening on a beautiful day as well as building garden furniture pieces which are made from recycled wood scraps. These are some perfect activities for us and my kids learn tremendously.

Growing up, I was fascinated by wheelbarrows. We enjoyed transporting toys from one location to the other and I have fond memories of my siblings and I playing in them. Wheelbarrows make attractive planters and they are always a delight to the eyes. In building ours, we used dismantled pieces of wood and slabs we kept from the demolition of an old Stall as well as one of our smaller storage shed a couple of years ago. When it comes to creating, we are not interested in perfection; rather, we embrace the flaws in the wood and make them stand out. The character of aged wood is what gives it its charm.

Wheelbarrow Garden Planter.

We chose to use a real wheel for easy relocation to various parts of the yard. We started by fitting the wheel and legs, then we cut all the pieces needed, nailed/screwed them together, spray-painted the finished product, drilled a few holes on the tray base to allow for drainage then we began filling it with compost, dirt and potting soil. We placed small stones on the tray base to stop the mix from leaking out and we placed a few more on top of the mix (in lieu of) to help retain moisture. Plants in the wheelbarrow are Anigozanthos.

Ceramic Rain Boots Garden Planter.

Plants in the Ceramic Rain Boots are Texas Sage.

Raised Drawer Garden Planter.

Plants in the Raised Drawer Planter are Red Autumn Sage.

With endless possibilities on how you can decorate your yard and garden, a little creativity can turn an unappealing yard into an enchanted retreat.