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Drought Tolerant Plants

Enjoying the Day

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read912 views

It’s hot out here and there isn’t much to do, except walk around and enjoy the beautiful plants.

So what’s happening in my garden? A few day ago, I got rid of the perennial bulbs, all excluding the Allium Drumsticks which I really like. I pruned and shaped the Autumn Sage, Texas Sage, Lavender, Boxwood and the Dwarf Myrtle. We also completely removed and got rid of the second Navajo Globe Willow tree on our property. These trees are easy to grow from cuttings, but don’t thrive in the High Desert and are susceptible to diseases.

English Lavender.

The Daylilies have started to bloom.

Pretty Woman Daylily.
Stella D’Oro Daylily.

I planted a few Ornamental Grasses at the right corner of the end of my property along side some Spanish Lavender, Autumn Sage, Miniature Rose bushes and Agave Ovatifolia (which I recently transplanted).

Fountain Grass.

The Pomegranate tree is blooming and producing fruits.

Pomegranate tree.

I have quite a few Yellow Bird Of Paradise Bush ll around my property which I constantly prune and shape. They are one of my favorite ornamental trees along with the Desert Willow.

Yellow Bird Of Paradise Bush.
Desert Willow tree.

Once in a blue moon we have some unfortunate events going on around the garden. Today we found a damage on the irrigation tubing caused by either a thirsty gopher or Ground Squirrel. These rodents have figured out where things are around here and the are becoming quite sneaky. These Agave Ovatifolia ‘Frosty Blue’ have all been dug out and relocated. The mature Agave was damage by a Gopher.

Damaged drip irrigation tubing.

Happy gardening and have a wonderful day.