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DIY: Grass Pet {Making Shoes}

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read861 views

A week and a half ago we decorated my Son’s Grass Head Pet.

After watering it and placing it on the kitchen window sill for some warm Sun light, it grew its first hair six days later. Today we spotted two more tiny hairs underneath and above its nose. We gave it some feet/shoes.

Grass Pet Face with one hair.
Grass Pet Face with one hair.

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Scissors
  • Craft glue, Hot glue gun
  • Toilet Paper roll, Craft Paper, Card Board (for the shoe)
  • Pencil, Permanent Marker (to draw and decorate the shoes)
  • Small Ice Cream/Yogurt container or Toilet Paper Roll (for the body)

How to proceed:

  • Squeeze the toilet paper roll to make it flat. If you are using craft paper, fold the paper in two
  • Using a Pencil, draw a foot or shoe on one side of the toilet paper roll or the craft paper
  • Use your scissors to cut around your drawing (you will end up with a set of foot or shoe)
  • Use your Hot glue gun to glue the shoes/feet to the bottom of your body.
DIY: Grass Pet Shoes.
DIY: Grass Pet Shoes.
Grass Pet with Shoes.
Grass Pet with Shoes.

On my next update I will show you how to make an outfit for the Grass Pet.

DIY: Grass Pet

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read915 views

For Earth Day, my son was given a round shaped pantyhose filled with sod and grass seed. All he had to do was place it next to a window for some warm Sun light, water and watch it grow. I stored it somewhere in the Patio and forgot about it until this morning. It’s a really fun and easy activity for kids and adults alike. This Grass Pet is almost similar to the Chia Pet, remember those?

Today, we will turn this plain round shaped ball of sod and grass seeds into a cute face.

Faceless Grass Pet.
Faceless Grass Pet.
Grass Pet all decorated.
Grass Pet all decorated.

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Pantyhose, Socks, Nylon stockings
  • Scissors (to cut the pantyhose)
  • Grass Seeds
  • Potting Mix
  • Small Ice Cream and Yogurt container or Toilet Paper Roll (for the body)
  • Spray Paint (for the body)
  • Painter’s Tape (if you’re not planning to paint the container)
  • Chenille Stems, Googly Eyes, Permanent marker, yarn (for the eyes and mouth)
  • Thread to fasten the nose.
  • Craft Paper (to design the outfit for the body)
  • Craft glue, Hot glue gun
  • Bowl and Water

How to proceed:

  1. Mix the soil and grass seed together
  2. Fill the pantyhose, shaping it into a ball and then tie off the open end (leaving enough material for the nose).
  3. Grab a bit of the stocking with some dirt and twist it to shape the nose. Use some thread to fasten it.
  4. Start decorating your grass pet whichever way you want
  5. Place it in a bowl, water daily, sit back and watch it grow.
Grass Pet Face.
Grass Pet Face with Body.

How about some Shoes for your Grass Pet? Click here.
I hope you enjoy making your own Grass Pet and watching the hair grow.