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Danza Del Flori by Giorgio Ceragioli

Keeping Busy In The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read712 views

It’s been a while since my last post. I hope everyone is healthy, safe and I am praying for those who are facing hard times. To reduce exposure to Covid-19, all schools were closed starting March 16th and Distance Learning began today, April 6th. Finding balance between work, keeping the kids entertained at home and remaining sane has been challenging. My kids are adjusting well and have found ways to stay active. They wake up at 7:00 am and are asleep by 7:45 pm.

We had a very cloudy and wet week here in the High Desert. I love rain, but I am not a fan of too much rain, however, I know we need these Spring rains to ready the garden for our hot Summer days. Now it’s a good time to plant. For the past couple of weeks, I have been enjoying my Tulips and Grape Hyacinth.

Tulip Blue Diamond.

I love the display of color changes and patterns of these Tulips.

Tulip Angelique.

Grape Hyacinth are popping up here and there.

Grape Hyacinth.

I received a few Spruce Cone Cactuses as gifts recently. I love the uniqueness of this cactus and I am looking forward to watching them grow, while learning a thing or two.

Spruce Cone Cactus.

The Yellow White Lady Banks flowers have began bursting with life and colors. I planted one on both sides of the second arch by the gate leading to our backyard. I also planted one on both sides on a separate arch in the backyard. Some of these roses are just a few months old and others less than two years.

Yellow Lady Banks gracing the arches.

If I have to stay home, I figure, I should garden. Last week I planted Red Autumn Sage, Silvery Cassia, Euphorbia Rigida (Gopher plants), Periwinkle Creeping Myrtle, Dwarf Cup Flower and Amethyst Falls American Wisteria.

Fortunately for us, we have been blessed yet again, with a weed-free yard. Now we can focus on other outdoor projects.

What can you do at home?

  • Plant (divide, transplant … etc)
  • Feed your plants and apply mulch
  • Clean your gardening tools
  • Prune your shrubs/cut back dead plants
  • Clean outdoor furniture
  • Clean bird feeders
  • Clear out weeds

Happy gardening and be safe out there.

Statue Reconstruction

EPEngineer By EPEngineer2 min read753 views

Five years ago, my wife found a beautiful Female Statue (Danza Del Flori by Giorgio Ceragioli) and knowing how much she loves statues and seeing the wonderful job she’s done surrounding our Home and Garden with relaxing zen sculptures, I agreed to get it for her. We paid for it and as we were about to load it into the back of the car, it collapsed and broke to pieces. After picking up all the pieces, we returned home with the promise to reconstruct it in the next following months. So days turned to weeks which turned to months and years went by.  About three years ago, I glue some of the major pieces, but that was all about it. Finally on Friday, I decided to resume the restoration process.

Statue Reconstruction.
Female Statue Reconstruction (Danza Del Flori by Giorgio Ceragioli).

Materials/Tools Needed:

  • Brushes
  • DAP Cement filler
  • Clear Tape
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Hacksaw with metal-cutting blade
  • Putty knife
  • Wire brush
  • Loctite Epoxy Resin
  • Dremel
  • Diamond bits

How to proceed:

  • Clean the pieces you plan to glue.
  • I used Loctite Epoxy Resin which sets in 5 minutes to glue it together. It holds up to 3,000 Psi and worked for my statue.
  • I position the pieces and check that they fit together. I use clear packaging tape to hold the pieces together before gluing them.
  • Once I had a big section done it gets added to the overall pieces which is where I am currently.
  • The arms will be the last to be added and then I will fill in the cracks using DAP Cement filler.

Once the pieces have been glued and filled in I will spray paint the statue and place it at a location of our choice.