Summer holidays are over and it’s back to school for my kids. My son is heading off to third grade and my daughter to Kindergarten. They are both excited and I am relieved knowing that my daughter feels less anxious having her brother by her side. It is the beginning of a new adventure for my daughter.
Minnie Mouse Backpack.
And for raining days …
Minnie Mouse Pink Polka Dots Bow Umbrella.
I helped my daughter find her seat, exchanged a few words with her teacher and reassured my child I would return in a couple of hours to pick her up. To ease the separation anxiety between the kids and their parents, the teacher had activities ready for the kids and other fun stuff.
I put the following in her backpack:
Hand Sanitizer
Kleenex Pocket Pack Tissues
Cold and Cough Drops
A Bottle of Water
“We Love You” Message
Notepad and Pencil
Healthy and Nutritious Snacks
Our Address & Phone Number
Sunglasses (100% UV)
She had a good day.
Just like her brother, I know she will do well.
It’s a beautiful day. The skies are clear, but the weather outside is deceitful. Baby, it’s cold outside! I am very thankful that we haven’t had our first Snowfall yet.
I suit up this morning to rake leaves in the backyard from last night’s wind. By the time everything was set and done, I could barely feel my fingers and toes. I took a few minutes to walk around the backyard and made a few interesting discoveries, some of which involve frozen water like the one from my Water Fountain. The larger Water Fountain is located in a sunny area so the Sun gets to melt the water.
Frozen Water.Water Fountain ‘The Village Maiden’.
After seeing that solid ice, I was grateful that we shut off the exterior water valve to the irrigation system a couple of weeks ago. I would have lost all my plants from frost otherwise.
Snowy Mountains.
On a much happier note, I will be taking my Son to the annual Christmas Program performed by Pre Kinder, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade as well as Mr. Flores’ class at Oak Hills High School. He has been so excited about it, since we didn’t attend last years’ due to bad weather.
Summer Vacation is officially over for the students at Cottonwood Elementary as they returned to school early this morning for another year of learning and brain challenging activities. My Son has been looking forward to this day and he was so happy to reconnect with some of his friends from Kindergarten.
The school was packed and there was a very long line of parents who personally wanted to take their kids in the premises and meet their teachers. After giving specific instructions to my Son (his Teacher’s name, his classroom number and where to go for help), he proceeded through the gate while I went through the office. After signing in as a Visitor to personally turn in the items on his supply list, I found him sitting in his classroom and coloring at his desk. The students are being seated alphabetically by last names. He was very happy to find out that two of his best friends from Kindergarten are in his class too.
While going through his folders last night, I found his Passport to Reading (filled with six stickers) along with an unused Pizza Hut® Book It!® Reading Program Certificate. These two items put a smile on my face. After picking him up from school, we drove by Pizza Hut® and he placed an order of his favorite Pan Cheese Pizza and received a sticker. What a great way to celebrate back to school.
Passport to Reading (2012-2013).Book It!® Reading Program Certificate.
I wish him as well as others a great 2013-2014 school year. I hope he has a wonderful time and acquires more knowledge while making a difference the best way he knows how.
Today was the last day of school at Cottonwood Elementary.
It’s been a bittersweet day for some of us parents.
We listened to a heartfelt speech by one of the Kindergarten teachers and watched a beautiful slideshow presentation of all the children activities during the school year.
I, for one, am happy that School is over because my Son can now enjoy the holidays and work on some of his projects. At the same time, I know that he is constantly looking forward to go to school and learn new things.
It’s been a great school year for my little boy. He exceeded everyone’s expectations. I am grateful that he was assigned an awesome teacher at the start of his school year. A woman so loving, helpful, encouraging and who shows patience to all. A woman who has given him the tools to advance in life, to reach out for his goals and nurtured self-confidence in him. These are all priceless and I am thankful.
Mrs. Wismer has been teaching for 35 years and this was her first and last year at Cottonwood Elementary as she is now retiring.
Today is officially back to School Day at Cottonwood Elementary. For my Kindergartener as well as the other students, it will be the first day back from a three-week break. We had a fantastic time being silly, getting crafty, watching movies, sleeping late, baking, enjoying each others company and fighting a Cold together.
My Son is super excited to meet his wonderful teacher and friends and I am excited to hear about his little stories and all the fun activities he had at School. His Sister, on the other hand, is not too happy about him returning to school (I overheard them talking in the room last night). After informing her that he will be leaving for school in the morning, she simply told him that ‘she is sad, she will miss him and she doesn’t want him to go to school.’ He replied by stating that he had to go and when he returns home, they will have lots and lots of fun.
Image Source:
My kids believe they are the best thing in the World for one another. As troublesome as they can sometimes be and as annoying as they can be to one another, they always look out for each other and keep safe. Enough to melt my heart and make me proud. My daughter and I will be enjoying more quiet time in the mornings.
Last night, after reminding my Son about the importance of eating right, exercising, taking vitamins, getting enough sleep and keeping his hands to himself (to fight against self-contamination and prevent germs from spreading); I made sure he still had enough pocket tissues, enough cough and cold drops and I made sure there was a travel size hand sanitizer in his backpack. This season has been labeled the worst Flu season in years and parents shouldn’t take it lightly when it comes to the health and wellness of their children.