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Big Bear Lake CA

A Day Well Spent In Big Bear, CA

EPEngineer By EPEngineer1 min read464 views

Last night we finally made the decision to take a trip to Big Bear, California, before we are faced with triple-digit temperatures. Today was the day and it was awesome!

Big Bear Lake CA – The Village Welcome Sign.
Image source: Alamy.com


We took Highway 18 through Lucerne Valley, CA.

We had brunch at Teddy Bear Restaurant:
– Club Sandwich
– Bears Best Sandwich
– Fried Egg Burger
– Mushroom Burger

Brunch at Teddy Bear Restaurant.

After our brunch, we visited a few shops, and took a walk around the lake.

Big Bear Lake, CA.
Big Bear Lake, CA.

On our way home, we took the Rim of The World Highway.

There’s a high school at the top of the mountain overlooking the San Bernardino Valley.

Rim of The World High School.

The view is breathtaking.

Rim of The World Hwy.
Rim of The World Highway.
Rim of The World Hwy.

It was a worthwhile adventure.