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A Childhood Friendship

I Remembered

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read706 views

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ― A.A. Milne

We had a beautiful weather this weekend in the High Desert. It was mostly cloudy with some cool breeze and a few rain drops starting Saturday afternoon and a little more around 2:00 AM Sunday morning. Just lovely and perfect to spend the entire day outdoors relaxing and finishing up projects.

Today, I was blessed to reconnect with yet another awesome Friend; a Sister at heart and my voice of reason back when the pain was too much to bear.  She always made me promise to remember how great Life once was; promise to smile after the tears dried; promise to shake things off; Promise you will not do something stupid. “Promise me, Joan, promise me.” Those uplifting words still echo in my mind. At the time I was so deep into my grief that I couldn’t see the Support Team I was given and the circle I found myself into prior to that bitter day.

Image Credit: Willow Tree.com
Image Credit: Willow Tree.com

I quietly listened to everything she said to me and I remembered. After a good thirty minutes of updates and expressing our gratitude to one another, we laughed a lot. An hour well spent reconnecting. A definite throwback for both of us. Until next time, I am holding on to good memories.

To you, Evelyne, from the bottom of my heart: Thank You.

My Grateful Heart

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read698 views

The days of the week have gone by slowly, allowing me to start and finish some little projects.
Yesterday was a joyful and heartfelt day for me. After talking to my Dad, I happened upon an old friend’s number. Had seven years really gone by since I last spoke to this awesome being? I asked myself.  Sure, we kept in touch through emails. How could seven years go by without verbal exchanges? I had no time for my mind to wonder. I was thrilled to talk to one of the amazing individuals who stood tough with me during my times of need.

"Kindness is the catalyst that fuels our drive for Love and Compassion." — Joan Ambu
Kindness, Love and Compassion.

I met Blanche in High School and she instantly became my best friend. She was always in my face and my business. She was my eyes when I couldn’t see clearly, my voice when I couldn’t speak and she had my back. We celebrated our birthdays together as hers is a day prior to mine. We had so much love, admiration and respect for one another and I thank God every single day for placing her on my path through life because she helped me remember how sweet Life was and how joyful I was prior to loosing my sister. She stood by me and walked me through the other side of grief. We were birds of a feather, and naturally, we flocked together.

As I dialed her number and patiently waited for the connection to be established,  my heart leapt with joy when I heard a familiar voice on the other end. As soon as she heard my voice she said: Please tell me it’s you Joan, I’ve prayed for this moment.Yes, it is I, I jokingly replied. We laughed and picked up right where we’d left off as if time and space never existed. We spent over an hour catching up on each other’s life and in the end, we made the promise to talk to each other at least once a month.

“True friends are the ones who never leave your heart, even if they leave your life for a while. Even after years apart, you pick up with them right where you left off, and even if they die, they’re never dead in your heart.” ― Unknown

I haven’t forgotten those who comforted me and genuinely cheered my successes and happiness.

Memories: A Childhood Friendship

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read824 views

Today I feel warm and joyful inside. I feel the same way I remember feeling as a child: free of worries and content.

 While growing up, I was blessed to have a Father (I still am) whose career took him all over the country. We never stayed longer than a year and a half on a set location. I had the opportunity to travel and make friends even though it only lasted for a little while. As we observe, learn and become aware of our surroundings; we connect and advertently share bonds free of prejudice at such a tender age. Those are the individuals we tend to remember for the rest of our lives.

 It was only in 1990 that we finally settled down in Yaoundé, Nouvelle Route Bastos.
Not too long after we moved into our home, a family moved across from us. An unconditional bond was formed and friendship was born right from the get-go between one of the kids and me. Stéphane instantly became my best friend and confidant. He was the handsome, awesome, loving and friendly guy from across our house, who would bug and nag at every opportunity he had. We spent countless hours after school talking about parties, sweet nothings and sometimes current events. That’s how we enjoyed spending our time instead of doing homework and preparing for the next school day.
He was a huge source of compassion. I cherish and hold those memories close to my heart. Those were joyful times, when life was so simple. Those were some of the best days of my life.

Stéphane & his beautiful Family.

Though we last saw each other fifteen years ago; I never stopped searching for him and asking around. For some reasons no one had the time nor the will to track him down including those I spoke to, who knew his whereabouts. It made me wonder if perhaps only fate could reunite us once again, as it was the case twenty-one years ago? I can’t help but wonder.

This morning I was blessed to reconnect with him. When I logged into my Facebook account my eyes immediately spotted his name. I knew then, without a doubt, that he was the one since we both shared a childhood friend. I jumped with joy as my heart leapt with excitement and gratitude.

It was so good talking to you, dear friend. Thank you for still being a part of my life; it thrills me beyond belief. I am looking forward to new beginnings.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” – Romans 8:28 (KJV)