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100 Day of School Project

DIY: A Fancy Feather Coat

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.1K views

My children’s school is celebrating the 100th day of school today.
My daughter’s class was asked to create and decorate their T-shirts for a fashion show.  She looked forward to this day with much anticipation to show off her creation.

We had a totally different design idea for the T-shirt, but a slight mistake led us to what you now see, “The Lady and her Fancy Feather Coat.” Regardless, I think it turned out great.

100th Day of School Fancy Feather Coat.
“The Lady and her Fancy Feather Coat”
(100th Day of School T-Shirt Project).
“The Lady and her Fancy Feather Coat” (100th Day of School T-Shirt Project).
“The Lady and her Fancy Feather Coat”
(100th Day of School T-Shirt Project).

Materials/Tools Needed

  • T-shirt
  • Fabric glue
  • Fabric glitter
  • Fabric markers
  • Beads
  • Decorative feathers
  • Crystal cut diamond

Now, I hope they all have a great fashion show.

3D Penguin Project

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.2K views

Today my Son and the entire School are celebrating the 100th Day of School.
We were asked as a Family to create a 100th Day Project and turn it in today to be shared and displayed in my Son’s classroom. The Project was to incorporate 100 objects in a creative way.

These past weeks, my Son has been learning about Penguins at School and I suggested we do something with a Penguin. After looking at various pictures, my Son choose the one he liked best and my husband drew a Penguin on a cardboard and began making cutouts for the parts we needed for the 3D Penguin. After positioning and gluing all the parts, we traced 100 feathers with a pencil and highlighted the edges with Glitter Glue and finally, we glued the Penguin onto a slightly larger piece of cardboard.

All you need for this project is Elmer’s Glue, Glitter Glue, Cardboard, Scissors, Pencil and Markers.

3D Penguin Project (100 Day of School).
3D Penguin Project (100 Day of School).

It was a fun little project we all enjoyed working on.