Plants are Wonderful Mood Boosters
For the most part, the weather has been steadily warming up. Of course, some days are as cold as winter days, but nothing serious as keeping us indoors. Trees have put out leaves, flowers are blooming, and critters are wreaking havoc in the gardens.
Pincushion Carnival Yellow is an interesting plant I saw at the nursery. I resisted the urge to purchase a few as they reminded me of Gopher plants, which are loved by Gophers. I have many yellow flowering plants in my gardens, and I think a different variety called ‘Flame Giant’ Nodding Pincushion (Leucospermum cordifolium ‘Flame Giant’) will complement the other plants and add color to the garden.
My daughter’s Rose Mallow is blooming profusely.
It has been a joy watching the Freesias.
The ground cover roses weren’t doing well, so I moved them into planters, where they are thriving.
The Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ have grown so much that they need their own container.
When the weather outside is erratic, we can always count on plants to boost our mood.
Happy gardening!