Hike To Amboy Crater Hike Off Route 66

EPEngineer By EPEngineer1 min read388 views
Amboy Crater.

Amboy Crater National Natural Landmark

Bureau of Land Management
Needles Field Office
Needles, CA 92363

Phone: 760-326-7000
Email: BLM_CA_Web_NE@blm.gov

After many years of procrastinating, today we finally made it to Amboy Crater.
Well, it wasn’t so much about procrastination as my kids really wanted to go on a hike and/or long walk, but we thought they were too young to make it. After weeks of planning, we were excited to hike the Amboy Crater on Thursday especially as the weather was getting cooler.

Amboy Crater National Natural Landmark Monument & Information.

There are a few shaded picnic areas, crater information, warning signs and a well kept restrooms.

Amboy Crater Information, Warning Signs & Restrooms.

Covered picnic areas.

Amboy Crater Covered Picnic Area.

The trail begins around the picnic bench to the right, lined with rocks. Follow the path on your way to the crater.

Hiking Toward Amboy Crater.

First partially shaded rest area.

Amboy Crater (First) Rest Area.
Amboy Crater (Second) Rest Area.

My kids and I decided to stop at the center of the crater, while my husband climbed up to the rim.

Center of the crater.

At the top of the crater you get a vast and beautiful view of the surrounding landscape.

View into the middle crater from the rim.

Head back the same way you came …

Second Rest Area Heading-down.

Be advised that there is no water at the site; therefore, you should bring your own, and plenty of it. Watch out for rattlesnakes and other desert wildlife along the trail.

Amboy Crater, San Bernardino County, California

Amboy Crater, San Bernardino County, California

The Long Awaited Rain

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.1K views

Mother Nature blessed us with some much needed rain yesterday. It poured and it poured and it poured, and I am sure, every living thing in the High Desert was grateful. There is nothing good about being in a drought, and it’s been a very long time since we had rain. That rainfall was really good. In some areas of my property, the soil is still wet.

Elm Tree Leaves Color Change and Shedding …

The Elm trees as well as the Pomegranate tree leaves have changed color and are now falling off. The Hameln Dwarf Fountain Grass are producing abundant pinkish brown flowers while the foliage are beginning to turn yellow.

Hameln Dwarf Fountain Grass.

The Agave Ovatifolia are fast growing and reproducing rapidly. The parent plant is quite large now and the first offsets which were separated from the parent plant are creating their own pups. The Pine Cone Cactus have produced many branches and are growing nicely.

Pine Cone Cactus and Agave Ovatifolia ‘Frosty Blue’.

The Dragon’s Blood Sedum, Crassula Muscosa and Sedeveria are thriving.

Dragon’s Blood Sedum, Crassula Muscosa and Sedeveria.

The Salvia Greggii ‘Red’ below is one of the many Salvia Greggii I am growing as trees in the backyard. I am letting those in the front yard grow as bushes.

Salvia Greggii ‘Red’ Tree.

Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myers’ is such an amazing evergreen perennial; not so much drought tolerant, but frost tolerant. I have a set of three, which I bought four years ago and they are left outdoor all year round.

Meyer’s Asparagus Fern.

Working in my garden brings me so much joy. It provides comfort and solace, and I cherish every moment of peace and reflection there. I hope the rain returns soon.

Happy gardening!

Soulful Words: Le Paradis Blanc

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read683 views

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.” — Leo Tolstoy


– Michel Berger –

Il y a tant de vagues et de fumée
Qu’on arrive plus à distinguer
Le blanc du noir
Et l’énergie du désespoir
Le téléphone pourra sonner
Il n’y aura plus d’abonné
Et plus d’idée
Que le silence pour respirer
Recommencer là où le monde a commencé

Je m’en irai dormir dans le paradis blanc
Où les nuits sont si longues qu’on en oublie le temps
Tout seul avec le vent
Comme dans mes rêves d’enfant
Je m’en irai courir dans le paradis blanc
Loin des regards de haine
Et des combats de sang
Retrouver les baleines
Parler aux poissons d’argent
Comme, comme, comme avant

Y a tant de vagues, et tant d’idées
Qu’on arrive plus à décider
Le faux du vrai
Et qui aimer ou condamner
Le jour où j’aurai tout donné
Que mes claviers seront usés
D’avoir osé
Toujours vouloir tout essayer
Et recommencer là où le monde a commencé

Je m’en irai dormir dans le paradis blanc
Où les manchots s’amusent dès le soleil levant
Et jouent en nous montrant
Ce que c’est d’être vivant
Je m’en irai dormir dans le paradis blanc
Où l’air reste si pur
Qu’on se baigne dedans
A jouer avec le vent
Comme dans mes rêves d’enfant
Comme, comme, comme avant
Parler aux poissons d’argent
Et jouer avec le vent
Comme dans mes rêves d’enfant
Comme avant

Michel Berger – Pour Me Comprendre

Click here for the English translation.