I’ve Learned

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read978 views

I’ve learned
That knowledge does not update itself
And even though I’m constantly learning
I must keep my mind active.

I’ve learned
That I must save life
Even if at some point in time
That life will end mine.

I’ve learned
That hate, though not contagious
Is a self-destructive illness
And I must not practice it.

I’ve learned
That Blessings come in small packages
I must not hold on to perishable things
When all I really need is around me.

I’ve learned
That appearances can be deceiving
We judge people by the image they portray to the World
Rather than the person within.

I’ve learned
That you cannot envy someone
Until you walk in their shoes
And embrace their flaws.

I’ve learned
That a simple “I Love You”
Goes a long way
It heals the most incurable disease.

I’ve learned
That the pain of death
Has the power to bring people together
And end feuds.

I’ve learned
That when we have a heated argument
And you hurt my feelings
That’s precisely when I must not betray your trust.

I’ve learned
That I must always be true to myself
No matter what others think
That I must be grateful at all times
Because Life can end abruptly.

I’ve learned
That when I feel lonely
And the World seems to ignore my cry for help
I must keep trusting
In the One who watches over me and never sleeps
I must be patient and keep trusting
Because He has never let me down.

© 2012 Joan Ambu. All rights reserved.

Welcome to Our Blog

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read597 views

Hello dear Readers,

We’re excited to announce our new official blog, StrengthOfTheSmall.org.
We will be sharing news and blogging about the following topics: Parenting, Friendship, Poetry, Life Lessons, Gardening, Upcycling/Repurposing, Home Improvement/DIY, Fashion, Vintage finds, Health and Wellness, Recipes, and much more. Occasionally we will share Guest Posts and review a few things that appeal to us.

Don’t forget to Subscribe by email to receive our latest posts and updates directly in your inbox the moment they are available. It’s quick, easy and free.

Thank you so much for visiting.


Our Front Yard Landscaping

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read818 views

Today has been such a wonderful day. We were able to accomplish so much, all thanks to Mom’s babysitting services. She is and has always been a tremendous help when it comes to lending a hand.

We now have some Before and After pictures of the front yard landscaping to share with you (the pictures speak for themselves). Those of you who visited with us have seen some of the progress we’ve made around our Home and while there’s still much work to be done, we will take a break for now.

I purchased a couple of Phoenix Roebelenii (Pygmy Date Palm Tree) a few days ago and planted them. I know they will look lovely in a few years and add so much charm to the yard if they survive the Winter.
We are still debating about whether to grow grass (perhaps installing synthetic grass), using stepping-stones or just let the middle section as it is (plain dirt). After all, isn’t the yard colorful enough?

Front Yard, Left.
Front Yard, Left.

Do you see the dried plants below? Those are weeds. It saddens me to know that a family with children once lived here and never thought about getting rid of those dried and ugly plants. This is a front yard for goodness’ sake! Forget for one minute about what the neighbors think of you and how much you will have to pay in fines for being careless. How do you feel going home? Those things right there are a fire hazard.

Front Yard, Right.
Front Yard, Right.

We are changing the exterior appearance of our Home one day at a time. We purchased the gravel from The Rock Yard, the garden edging from Big Lots! My husband surprised me with the Cherub Fountain and we did the work ourselves. The next outdoor project will be the backyard landscape and continued clean-up.

Happy Gardening!