“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” ― Mother Teresa
What are some of those small things, you ask:
» Children (Psalm 127:3).
Good things definitely come in small packages and aren’t those little ones full of surprises? They teach us new things every day.
From the moment my Son started asking about his deceased aunt, (my sister); I realized he was ready to learn about the circle of life. My children never go to sleep without praying. Sometimes, however, my son will, “Mommy, pray for us tonight because we are too tired. We will listen and say Amen after you.” His sister will quietly nod, “um-hmm.” Here’s the part of his prayer that always melts my heart, “… we pray for people we know and for those we do not know.” As I listen to him pray, I think of 1 Samuel 1:26-26.

» Relationships.
Togetherness is a powerful word. It represents love, unity, acceptance and much more. If you are fortunate to belong to a group of amazing people, sometimes, that alone suffices.
For all the things that go wrong in life, we have to remember that we are surrounded by good people who are willing to stand by us. I am particularly thankful to the friends I do not see as often in person, but wish I did.
» Walk – Meditate.
Take walks, admire and become one with Nature.
We obsess over the bigger picture that we completely forget about the wonders around us. We can only see such beauties by living the moment.
» Gardening.
Every gardener knows the joys that come from this activity. It sure requires time and patience to achieve ones goal. Not only does it allow us to get some time for ourselves; we also get creative (and eventually see results such as thriving plants). Gardening is a powerful stress reliever and we exercise in the process (yes, it can be quite a workout with all the digging, pulling, spreading).
» Remembrance (Philippians 1:3).
The power of positive remembrance is healing. Remembering positive experiences has the power to resuscitate feelings of gratitude and contentment as well as restoring inner peace and spiritual connection (Revelation 2:4-5).
» Love (1 Corinthians 13:4–8).
As Maya Angelou beautifully said, “People may forget what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Be loving and kind to every living thing as we are all part of the Universe. Love can only grow love, not the other way around. When we unabashedly show love to others, it inevitably opens doors to bigger and better things.
» Gratitude.
Start your day with gratitude. Be thankful for a new morning and for what you have.
» Be True to Yourself.
Embrace who you are and the body you are in. Don’t let society define you. Believe in yourself. Be Happy.