Growing Trees from Branches

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.2K views

As we know, all trees grow from seeds. Some grow from stem cutting and others don’t. Success often depends on the timing, the type of tree and as well as the methods of propagation (Rooting, Seeding, Grafting, Cuttings, Layering, Separation, Division, etc).


I grew the Mulberry on the right using a branch from the main tree. It started by mistake, really. In December 2010, we cut off some branches from the main tree and decided to use them as decoration for the backyard. We placed them in pots and added dirt and water to hold them in place. After about two weeks, I spotted new buds at the base of one of the branches.

Young Mulberry Tree.
Young Mulberry Tree.

As surprised and amazed as I was; I cringed at the idea of having a second Mulberry tree as they shed all their leaves in the Fall and I do not look forward to raking and picking them up (though I always do). On the other hand, I told myself, why not? We could always use the shade it provides during Summer (and Summer here is really hot). So, we planted it somewhere in the backyard and it’s been almost two years now.

Navajo Globe Willow

Growing up in his parents home; Eduardo’s Dad got a hold of some willow Saplings which grew and grew and grew. On one of his visits he asked if it could grow from a branch and his Dad said” Yes they can and will”. Three branches about an arm’s length came from the San Joaquin Valley up to the High Desert and after sprouting roots and getting planted; only one branch survived. After a year or so, we cut a branch from that first one and after it grew roots; we set it down with plenty of water to drink. They are both doing well so far.

Young Navajo Globe Willow.
Young Navajo Globe Willow.

Happy Gardening!

Francois Xavier Etoundi {Memory of}

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read584 views

This year has been quite rough for some of us.
We have experienced Love and we have experienced extreme pain and anguish. Though the pain of death is universal; each one of us handles it differently. Less than 24 hours ago, I learned of the passing of a former classmate. The news came as a surprise to many of us as he was recovering from illness and was doing much better. He left behind a family and three children.

Join me in prayer, for the family of François Xavier Etoundi, as his loved ones prepare to lay him to rest. It’s especially in moments like these that we turn to God and ask Him to restore our inner peace.

Please donate. Nothing is too small or too big. We never know when our own time will come, but we can hope that when it comes to pass; our lives, in the end, will be remembered. In the Spirit of togetherness, love and kindness, let’s join our hands as one and celebrate his life.

May his gentle soul rest in peace and may God comfort his family during this hard time.

“We are nothing but die cut shapes flowing in the wind waiting to fall.” — Joan Ambu

And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” – Revelation 14:13 (ESV)


  • Joan Ambu – $75 (+ Transfer Fee)
  • Yannick Nke – $30
  • Raoul Feukia – $50
  • Anonymous – $25
  • Jean Emmanuel Kwe – $50
  • Marie Liénou – $30
  • Miriam Obele – $60
  • Aurelie Tomo – $50
  • Guy Beke – $25
  • Herve Ombede – $20
  • Willy Jouontso – $70

Donations are now closed. Thank you all for your support. 


JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.4K views

I am so in love with my children; they are both very smart and creative. When they are not reading, drawing, sight seeing and sometimes helping me garden; they spend their time building LEGO figures.

LEGO Robot.

After returning from school today, in very good spirit as usual, he surprised us with his creation, which he is very proud of. He’s built over figures in the past, which have evolved over time and which I will share as soon as I get a hold of the pictures.

Other Fun Creations:

LEGO Racer.
LEGO Desert Racer.