Insects In The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.1K views

For the past six years we have used our garage as storage for things we didn’t need in the house. It seems that for every item we’ve given away, we’ve somehow receive twice as much. This afternoon, we started re-organizing the garage, moving things around, sorting others in different boxes (those we are keeping, the giveaways and those we are simply getting rid of). I am always excited when we clean up because I know for sure that I will find items to donate to others in needs. I have learned never to hold on to things which no longer serve my needs and when it comes to donating I do it with love and never expecting anything in return, not even a simple thank you. My only reward is knowing that someone, hopefully, will put whatever they receive to good use.

While outdoors gardening, setting up the new planter and deadheading my roses, I found interesting bugs.

Goldenrod Crab Spider.
Goldenrod Crab Spider.

I spotted the Goldenrod Crab Spider above on the Judy Garland Rose pictured. It dropped off a flower petal when I got too close and landed on a stepping stone. Younger females especially tend to change color from white to yellow depending on their targeted flower (to blend in appropriately or become nearly invisible).

Half-Wing Moth resting on the Fence.
Half-Wing Moth resting on the Fence.
Ladybug on Rose Leaf.
Ladybug on Rose Leaf.
Ladybug Larvae on Rose.
Ladybug Larvae on Rose.
Bee Pollinating.
Bee Pollinating.

Wishing you a good night and a happy, fun-filled weekend.
