Merville Kenfack {Memory of}

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read1.3K views

Dear friends,

I regret to inform you that my beloved sister, Merville, passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, the 7th of August 2012 after giving birth to a beautiful boy.

Merville was very kin about her privacy. At this time we would ask that Merville’s final wishes are observed, and there are to be no pictures of her posted either privately or publicly. Please, there are to be no speculations (posted) as to the cause of her death- as Christians, we all turn to our father GOD in heaven.

Since some of you live overseas, we understand you will not be able to come. However, donations are very much appreciated; click on the link below.

If you have any well-wishes for my family or just pay your respects, please leave your messages on the following blog under the coordination of Joan Ambu (which the family will review after the funeral).

We also very much  appreciate any spiritual support and prayers.


Eve Kenfack

“Lord, now lettest thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word.”
– Luke 2:29

Donations are now closed. Thank you all for your support. 
