Frozen Morning

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read480 views

It’s a beautiful day. The skies are clear, but the weather outside is deceitful. Baby, it’s cold outside! I am very thankful that we haven’t had our first Snowfall yet.

I suit up this morning to rake leaves in the backyard from last night’s wind. By the time everything was set and done, I could barely feel my fingers and toes. I took a few minutes to walk around the backyard and made a few interesting discoveries, some of which involve frozen water like the one from my Water Fountain. The larger Water Fountain is located in a sunny area so the Sun gets to melt the water.

Frozen Water.
Frozen Water.
Water Fountain 'The Village Maiden'.
Water Fountain ‘The Village Maiden’.

After seeing that solid ice, I was grateful that we shut off the exterior water valve to the irrigation system a couple of weeks ago. I would have lost all my plants from frost otherwise.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

On a much happier note, I will be taking my Son to the annual Christmas Program performed by Pre Kinder, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade as well as Mr. Flores’ class at Oak Hills High School. He has been so excited about it, since we didn’t attend last years’ due to bad weather.
