DIY: Garden Trellis
The weather is great today, making it is a good day to get busy in the garden.
I got to bury the legs of the Garden Trellis that my husband build a few years back. This trellis will support the young vine (Common Jasmine), as well as provide proper training and maintenance.
This simple/primitive garden trellis was built using old pieces of some baseboard we removed from the house when we were doing the upgrades, a medium size screw to hold the top together as well as some twines.

Materials/Tools Needed:
- Old baseboard pieces
- Jute Twine
- Wood Screws, Power Drill, Drill Bits
- Stain (for the Wood) or Paint/Spray Paint
Step by step:
- Get your baseboard and cut them into three pieces of your desire height
- Hold the three pieces and screw them together at the top
- Paint/Stain the finish product (you could paint/stain the pieces of wood before or after screwing them)
- Let dry
- Wrap the twine around the tripod, keeping it nice and tight and it’s ready to be used.