Crash Physics: How Does That Work?

Kashiro By Kashiro1 min read283 views

An explanation behind the crash physics that all cars in-game feature.

As you probably have noticed by now, every car in Sequoia County has visible damage that shows when you hit a curb or slide into a wall.

Quick thanks to Troilface_Gaming, his collision and crash physics system was the one that made this possible.

So, how does it work?

Every car has 2 sets of body panels: an invisible, damaged one, and a visible one. When you hit a body panel on the car (lets say you hit a wall head on) the collision hitbox will detect that it has hit something, and cause the body part to disappear, being replaced by the hidden broken one. Thus, the car looks broken.

Then, there is the engine hitbox. If you crash the car where the engine is located, then the engine will take damage in increments. Hit it too many times, and it catches fire, eventually causing the car to become undriveable, or causing an explosion.

That’s it for the explanation, big thanks to Troilface_Gaming once again for making this possible.
