Cottontail Rabbit Hunt
As Summer heat hit its peak, critters and other living things alike come out in search for food and shelter. Sometimes they are lucky and sometimes they find an unfortunate fate.
For almost a month now, some of my plants in the front yard have been decimated by a Cottontail Rabbit, which made itself at home every evening to feast. Most of my Gaura Lindheimeri young plants are either halfway gone or a total loss. Those cute little animals are a menace as they can be very destructive to unfenced gardens.

As you can see on the above picture, the young Cottontail Rabbit remained hidden underneath the Gaura Lindheimeri plant and didn’t budge when my husband got his Pellet Gun ready and opened the door. The first shot missed the Rabbit which still didn’t move. The second shot got it in the ear and that was the end.
I will move on to revive the rest of the damaged plants and secure my front yard fencing.