
Beautiful Winter Season

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read606 views

Much to everyone’s surprise it still hasn’t snowed in the High Desert and my kids, who were looking forward to making snow angels were a little disappointed. Our mornings are chilly and the nights are long and cold.  It has rained a lot lately, causing flooding, mudslides and other property damages.

Thick clouds floating at the bottom of elevated snowy mountain peaks.

Even though we didn’t get any snow (and most likely will not be getting any this Winter season), for the first time in many years, our mountains covered by thick snow look prettier than ever.

Snowy Mountains.

We have beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Beautiful Sunrise.
Beautiful Sunset.

Stay warm while enjoying nature.

A Cold Winter

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read617 views

It’s been very cold lately in the High Desert and we are spending time enjoying the company of one another.

A couple of weeks ago, we woke up to a freezing morning fog.

Morning Fog.
Morning Fog (view from the backyard).

A few days later I noticed the formation of thick clouds over the mountains, which rapidly turned into snow. It’s a breathtaking sight from my backyard.

Thick Clouds/Snowy Mountains.
Thick Clouds/Snowy Mountains.

I have enjoyed watching Hummingbirds feed from my kitchen window.

Hummingbird Feeding.
Hummingbird Feeding.

Finally, Snow began falling tonight. It’s been a year or two since the last Snowfall. This one comes as our end of year present from Mother Nature.

Snowfall (somewhere in my backyard).
Snowfall (somewhere in my backyard).

Happy Holidays and Stay Warm this Winter!

Long Walk Through The Garden

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read641 views

It’s that time of year with much of the city looking gloomy and temperatures beginning to plunge to freezing at night . Warmer days are far gone and the cold weather is settling in slowly, but surely.
During days like these, I find solace in my garden.

Gloomy Weather.
Gloomy Weather.

I haven’t done much around my gardens lately since Fall is one of the best seasons for my plants to flourish and thrive. Once in a while I take long walks through the garden where I go to unclog my mind.

For Mother’s day this year, I received a bouquet of Chrysanthemums from a good friend. I transferred the plant in a container and this is the second time it has blessed me with large mounds of gorgeous and impressive flowers; forever reminding me of my friend’s gentleness and kindness.


My wonderful friend also gave me a tiny Agave Ovatifolia Frosty Blue plant, which I planted in ground and has now tripled in size. As you can see, a pup is emerging next to the mother plant. Very soon this delicate plant will need protection for winter safety, even though it is said to be cold hardy. I love the formation of its leaves.

Agave Ovatifolia 'Frosty Blue'.
Agave Ovatifolia ‘Frosty Blue’.

Seven months later, my young and tender Grevillea Noellii is pulling through.

Young Grevillea Noellii.
Young Grevillea Noellii.

The Asparagus Aethiopicus is doing much better in a Pot. Growing it in a container will prevent the roots from spreading in different directions.

Asparagus Aethiopicus.
Asparagus Aethiopicus.

I planted a Common Jasmine (Jasminum Officinale) early this year and trained it to grow on a home made trellis. This morning I found a couple vines swaying away from the trellis and starting to twine on the plastic hanger of my Pachyphytum Bracteosum (Moonstones) hanging planter.

Star Jasmine Vines.
Common Jasmine Vines (Pachyphytum Bracteosum in planter).

From my garden to yours, happy Fall Gardening (and don’t let the gloomy weather get to you).

Our Gloomy Weekend

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read905 views

It rained all day yesterday as the weather forecaster said it would. It was heavy, non-stop with periods of thunder.
As of now we still have light showers, hoping it will be quick to pass. The aftermath of heavy rain on some plants such as succulents can be devastating. Some species might recover when the sun comes out and others are a total loss. Rainstorms can also create a lot of work. On the other hand, rain waters plants for free and can help dislodge pests from plants naturally (in my case, Aphids on my roses).

The whole West Coast has been in need of rain and we got some. If you ask my opinion, I will reply “enough already with the rain!” For someone who enjoys spending her weekends outdoors, gardening and working on yard projects with my little helpers, I am stuck indoors. It turned out to be a good thing since I am able to catch up on my Reading, TV shows and enjoying my favorite cup of coffee.

Here are some shots I took while I was out and about in the morning rain.

Rainbow during the Rainstorm.
Rainbow during the Rainstorm.

The partial single Rainbow above is of yesterday during the rainstorm.  The Rainbow must have been visible for a good two to three minutes before rapidly disappearing in the clouds. It was a gloomy day.

Woodland Babies.
Woodland Babies.

I absolutely adore my Woodland Babies, which was a Collections ETC. purchase from a few years ago.

Partial View of My Front Yard.
Partial View of My Front Yard.
Almond Flowers turning into Almond.
Almond Flowers turning into Almond.

The Sweet Almond Tree is full of first leaves budding out.
I replaced the green set of Antique Victorian Cast Iron Bench and Arm Chair with a similar white set, this time including a matching side table. I love white furniture as they call attention, stand out against green foliage and colorful plants. They also enhance the yard, giving it a welcoming feel.

Navajo Globe Willow.
Navajo Globe Willow.

Our Navajo Globe Willow trees are leafing out. The one pictured above is one of two branches we grew from cuttings from a mature tree in Central California. Globe Willow makes a nice canopy tree, providing shade during the hot months. During Winter, their bare branches display beautiful silhouettes.

Unknown Type of Moss.
Unknown Type of Moss.

I found an unknown type of Moss growing at the base of a Heavenly Bamboo in the front yard.

If the rain ceases, I will be visiting a few nurseries this afternoon or tomorrow in search of Native plants for the Rain Garden I will be creating in my backyard.

Frozen Morning

JM Perez By JM Perez1 min read470 views

It’s a beautiful day. The skies are clear, but the weather outside is deceitful. Baby, it’s cold outside! I am very thankful that we haven’t had our first Snowfall yet.

I suit up this morning to rake leaves in the backyard from last night’s wind. By the time everything was set and done, I could barely feel my fingers and toes. I took a few minutes to walk around the backyard and made a few interesting discoveries, some of which involve frozen water like the one from my Water Fountain. The larger Water Fountain is located in a sunny area so the Sun gets to melt the water.

Frozen Water.
Frozen Water.
Water Fountain 'The Village Maiden'.
Water Fountain ‘The Village Maiden’.

After seeing that solid ice, I was grateful that we shut off the exterior water valve to the irrigation system a couple of weeks ago. I would have lost all my plants from frost otherwise.

Snowy Mountains.
Snowy Mountains.

On a much happier note, I will be taking my Son to the annual Christmas Program performed by Pre Kinder, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade as well as Mr. Flores’ class at Oak Hills High School. He has been so excited about it, since we didn’t attend last years’ due to bad weather.