
The Other Side of Grief

JM Perez By JM Perez4 min read1.4K views

The past couple of months have been overwhelming to say the least; with the loss of family members, close friends and acquaintances. I held myself back from writing this post, but then, I realized that there’s a side of grief that isn’t spoken of as much as it should. When we speak of grief, most of us solely associate it with death (the physical loss). Here, I am referring not only to the physical loss, but to the mental loss as well. I am referring to the other side of grief, fueled by hatred and vengeance.

There was  a woman, who fell in love with her acquaintance husband and eventually married him. The first wife had children with the man and the second wife had a few herself. The first wife took her children and relocated, chose not to get divorced and not to fight for her marriage either. The second wife stayed put, invested and raised her children together with her husband. They stayed together through thick and thin; everything seemed fine, life went on and years went by. One day, the husband died and hell broke loose.

The first wife who had her ears clogged all along returned with a spirit of vengeance, reclaiming everything and anything as much as the law permitted regardless of merits. Was it the right thing to do? Yes and No.

YES – I have put myself in the shoes of the first wife and felt her own pain. You can say she is a victim too. She was betrayed by her friend, who wed her husband and she can go as far as stating that the anger and disappointment kept her away from the man she loved and forced her to raise their children as a single mother (even though the husband was involved in every aspect of their lives). Still, this woman is stuck in the past and cannot seem to move past that point.
NO – Why did the first wife wait until the death of the husband to make a fuss? If she really intended to be out of the picture, she should have stayed out until the end. I am not saying that she wasn’t entitled to anything, but becoming a tyrant is not right. Now it looks like the first wife is working hard to destroy what is left of the second wife (including her surroundings) to compensate for her ‘what could have been.’

“Hate is nothing but a feeling that consumes us all in a moment of despair and sorrow; a moment of regret and envy.” ― Joan Ambu

Thanks to a corrupted system, the second wife looses almost everything. From this point, she receives death threats quite often. Still, she stands tall while raising her children. She counts her blessings; she shows gratitude towards those who stand by her side and remains humble.
Life went on, years went by and this July, she died. With her gone, the other side is trying harder than ever to acquire what the deceased left behind: what doesn’t belong to them. The goal this time is to hurt the deceased’s children. This is where I believe a line has been crossed. This is evil and wrong on many levels.

“Owning your story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll do” – Brené Brown

Even though the step-children always knew that their step-mother and older half siblings disliked them, they never reciprocated the feeling; on the contrary, they were kinder. With the loss of their mother the World has become a little darker. Those they thought they could count on have completely given up on them and as I helplessly watch the chaos unfold, my heart aches. The first wife loved her husband so much that she is willing to ruin the lives of his children? It is simply appalling.

Why are the sins of the parents projected on the children? These people didn’t ask to be created and now their fate is being decided by those who should have compassion on them. I am against violence and I always remind people to seek peace and if they prefer to fight, to pick on someone who can fight back.
Everyone loves material things, I do to. However, amassing material things as your sole life purpose is not an indicator of a good life and you have to be a broken soul to think otherwise.
Holding a grudge against someone is not something to be proud about. We are free to forgive a wrong or not, but we must remember that not forgiving in itself is sin. No one has the ability to return to the past and unless we allow ourselves to let go of our hurts and fears in order to move on to better things, we will be stuck there (creating our personal hell).

“We turn evil when we lose our capacity for compassion.” ― Joan Ambu

Remember that hate is not innate and every dog has its day. Always Choose to Love.

Proving Yourself Right

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read1.6K views

Yesterday we attended the Sixth Graders Award Celebration at my kids school and I was so proud of my son. He has been on honor roll for seven years straight without fail. Every teacher knew my son or at least heard about him; and contrary to students who request a particular teacher, my son was sought out by teachers and he never let himself down.

Last year, I wrote about the injustices he experienced by his former teacher as well as a few classmates. By mid February, I was fed up and informed the school principal that I was filling a complaint against the teacher after contacting the US Department of Education as I strongly believed that my child’s rights had been violated.

The following week, my son was placed in a different classroom with an amazing teacher.

“Don’t do it to prove them wrong. Do it to prove yourself right.”
Image source:

Of course I know my children are geniuses, still, I told my son not to worry about what anyone thinks and just be the best he can be. He listened to his new teacher, followed instructions, kept studying hard and it paid off. Nothing changed in his routine and he proved himself right. Prior to giving him an award, his teacher said, this is a kid who came to me toward the end of the school year and described him as “very respectful, polite, kind, helpful and takes his work seriously.”
You should have seen his former teacher’s guilty face when he received his certificates. She put on a forced smile, couldn’t look straight and didn’t applaud when he was mentioned. As long as he proved her wrong, it was all good.

Talk to your children and encourage them on a daily basis. Teach them and make sure they understand right from wrong to avoid embarrassing and unfortunate situations. Don’t sit still when it comes to their rights; you are not alone (even if others make you feel that way). No one is above the law. Speak up and reach out.

I didn’t get rid of my files, I just moved them aside. If I hear about another student being victimized by this female teacher, I will go ahead and file the complain against her and against the school as well since it is known that she abuses her powers and yet nothing has been done to right the wrong.

The Power of Positivity

JM Perez By JM Perez2 min read835 views

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball

I have been enjoying the presence of my Mother for a month now and I can’t begin to explain the peace and serenity surrounding us. Unlike her past visits, this one has been awakening as she finally was able to connect a few dots together on her own. She said I have changed and turned into a more compassionate being.

I smiled at her and simply told her that my attitude has changed because I am in a constant state of gratitude.
I trust myself. I weigh my words before releasing them. There are some situations which cause us to point fingers, judging others and question their choices. As I explain to my children who constantly ask so many questions, before you venture into the judgmental arena, always put yourself in your opponent shoes. Those individuals who go through body modification (scarification, extreme tattooing, piercing, implant and so much more), skin bleaching/whitening most likely do not feel that their current bodies define them.

When people no longer wish to embrace the body they are in, we should understand that something isn’t necessarily wrong with them and move on. It is not our place to judge anyone because we do not agree with their choices. What we do, feel and think is right, may not be right to someone else and that’s the nature of Life. Paul H Dunn  said Happiness is a journey, not a destination; happiness is to be found along the way not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it’s too late. Living in the moment is what we should all thrive to do.

The Things You Take For Granted, Someone Else is Praying For.
Image Source:

While you are busy hating, judging, blaming, cursing someone or just being negative; someone somewhere is dying, fighting for their life, perhaps wishes they could be loved. Worst, while you’re being negative, life is passing you by, you make yourself miserable and those individuals you dislike continue to live their best life. Hatred will never grow anything but hatred while Love will grow more Love.

There is tremendous Power in Positivity and it can only come through when we decide to stop placing too much emphasis on the third person. Unless we are true to ourselves and hold ourselves accountable for our own mistakes and stop making excuses, unless we put an end to futile redundancies and embrace the body we live in, we will cease to enjoy Life and see beauty in the World.

Our days on Earth are numbered; thus, we must focus on ourselves.

“Be yourself—everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde